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NOT DEAD - Beverly Archer!


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First the good news, the great comedienne Beverly Archer is not deceased!! http://www.sitcomsonline.com/boards/showthread.php?p=4729846#post4729846 Sitcomsonline will be posting an interview with her in a few days. They picked up the "death" story from a website that is supposedly a memorial site but an "obit" for Ms. Archer is the only entry there. Someone apparently alerted Internet Movie Database and sent them a link as well to that site so they also added a "death date" for Beverly to her credits page there. Wikipedia has now blocked any editing on her biography entry to keep this rumor out. Cannot believe someone would be so mean to do something like this to such an endearing lady but then some idiot has started a RIP thread for Debbie Reynolds on her IMDb message board (Debbie's currently hospitalized for a bad reaction to medication).


According to a poster on SOL Beverly has never lived in Santa Monica (city of her posted demise) and is an antique dealer which would fit in with Robbie's recent comments about running into her.

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