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Lucy & Desi Photo Thread (Vol. 2)


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For a REAL party, they should have also invited Van and Evie, Kay Thompson and Keenan Wynn.

After a hectic day in the cold air, there is nothing so wonderful as a good hot meal inside—with the wonders of winter seen out the window." Lucy and Desi eating a hot meal with friends!







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Thank you two for sharing!, this is probably one of the most likable pictures of them together. 

Some of their professional photo shoots can look forced or stiff, here they look informal and relaxed- here they don't look like Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, but like "The Arnazes" charming, informal and lovable. 

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I thought to retouch it and I think this is how the original color slide might have looked like! I wish one day I had the task of retouching all of the old color photos of Lucy and Desi!! could you imagine unlocking a vault, or finding a bunch of rare color still for ILL??? (heaven) 


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