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Ancient Detroit Desi Arnaz TV show interviews unearthed


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I was rummaging through some old audio cassettes and found one from around 1977 (39 years old? Yikes!). Desi Arnaz made a trip to Detroit to promote his paperback version of "A Book." The tv show audio (the first one recorded by my mom as I was in school at the age of 13!) is from a morning talk show with Desi as guest. They have a local rhumba style band welcoming him and then there is some discussion. The second show is from the evening "Lou Gordon Show" which was the local 60 minutes of the day in Detroit, a one on one with Lou and Desi. Lou tried to get Desi to talk about his womanizing and Desi gets a little perturbed.


The audio is pretty crackly at points, recorded from TV but is listenable as this is probably the only recording of it after all these years.


At the end of the tape there was even a "I Love Lucy" voice over promo from another show's credits and the "Kaiser Broadcasting Company" jingle and Channel 50 station ID! Talk about a time machine to my youth!


I would love to share it online with you but am not sure how. Any suggestions? It is probably about 40 minutes long all together.  I tried to upload an mp3 file here which is within the single file max size but maybe audio files don't work here as I kept getting a "no file was selected for upload" :lucydisgust:

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Great find Jeff! I still have cassettes from back then but nothing left to play them on, so I don't know whether they'd work or not!


I know there's ways/places/sites(?) to have them transferred digitally -- but I've you've already got an MP3 out of it sounds like you've already figured it out, which is good because now you'll probably have it forever.  Never know when tape is gonna degrade, crinkle, break etc. etc.


Hope it finds its way to the Lounge!  Thanks! :D

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There are "record players" on the market today with cassette, radio, CD built right into them. I simply plugged a cord into the headphone jack, plugged the audio into the computer and put the interview on there. Yes, it is amazing the cassette played after all these years but they are more durable than we apparently think.


Spent the morning uploading the interviews to Youtube via the Tunestotube link mentioned above....After processing and creating it, it was promptly "removed for being too long......"  Humph!

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Dropbox success! I hope you enjoy the interviews:



I also updated my long neglected blog with the same file so hopefully other Lucy fans will find it on line.




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There are "record players" on the market today with cassette, radio, CD built right into them. I simply plugged a cord into the headphone jack, plugged the audio into the computer and put the interview on there. Yes, it is amazing the cassette played after all these years but they are more durable than we apparently think.


Spent the morning uploading the interviews to Youtube via the Tunestotube link mentioned above....After processing and creating it, it was promptly "removed for being too long......"  Humph!


Too long? There are videos on YouTube that are hours long! Must be something in your account's settings.

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I was able to download this no problem. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed this.


Spoilers ahead if you haven't listened.





First interview. Going right into why the marriage didn't work as your first question? Desi does a decent job of trying to give a diplomatic answer but not going into the gritty details. I'll give him a pass here because who wants that in this light interview. And what's with the "do you think you should just break your kid in at a brothel" comment. I mean his father had him do this but where was she getting her info that he thought this was a good idea in the 70s? Did get a kick out of the flower story and not caring what Gary thought.


Second interview. Liked the detailed stories here, even though I knew them from the book. The guy interviewing Desi seemed to be really trying to get him to admit to or at least get Desi to acknowledge that he had a drinking problem and that he did cheat. If the interviewer would have been more direct with his line of questions here instead of bouncing between when Desi was in NY pre marriage and instead of focused on a few things from the book where Desi did talk about other women in the marriage maybe we would have gotten a better answer from Desi. Just as with the drinking he again is not admitting the problem. The finally defensive part from him when he says " I loved her" in an attempt to shoot down the cheating line of question is sad. I know he's trying to say he didn't do anything to hurt her but he's not being honest with himself all those years later and seeing how the cheating hurt Lucy. It makes you want to yell " if you loved her you wouldn't have done it." I do like that he does reveal Renee's name. I wonder why he decided to keep it a secret. She stayed friends with both Lucy and Desi.


Again thank you very much. I've always loved Desi's natural tone about his life and it comes across here.

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I was able to download this no problem. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed this.


Spoilers ahead if you haven't listened.





First interview. Going right into why the marriage didn't work as your first question? Desi does a decent job of trying to give a diplomatic answer but not going into the gritty details. I'll give him a pass here because who wants that in this light interview. And what's with the "do you think you should just break your kid in at a brothel" comment. I mean his father had him do this but where was she getting her info that he thought this was a good idea in the 70s? Did get a kick out of the flower story and not caring what Gary thought.


Second interview. Liked the detailed stories here, even though I knew them from the book. The guy interviewing Desi seemed to be really trying to get him to admit to or at least get Desi to acknowledge that he had a drinking problem and that he did cheat. If the interviewer would have been more direct with his line of questions here instead of bouncing between when Desi was in NY pre marriage and instead of focused on a few things from the book where Desi did talk about other women in the marriage maybe we would have gotten a better answer from Desi. Just as with the drinking he again is not admitting the problem. The finally defensive part from him when he says " I loved her" in an attempt to shoot down the cheating line of question is sad. I know he's trying to say he didn't do anything to hurt her but he's not being honest with himself all those years later and seeing how the cheating hurt Lucy. It makes you want to yell " if you loved her you wouldn't have done it." I do like that he does reveal Renee's name. I wonder why he decided to keep it a secret. She stayed friends with both Lucy and Desi.


Again thank you very much. I've always loved Desi's natural tone about his life and it comes across here.

Thanks Shelly. Now I'm really looking forward to listening to this! :D

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One more spoiler note.




Second interview. I really don't like how the host prefaces the "what are you up to know?" question with Lucy is very popular, still working and has lots of money and you aren't doing well. The guy came back to TV in the late 60s with a show that ran for 2 years, he had a horse farm. Can't he relax?


I also liked hearing the Winchell story as I had heard Lucy was mad about him picking him as the Untouchables narrator. Nice to hear the story behind that. Desi was right though, he was the perfect guy for it.

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