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Louise Baxter

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About Louise Baxter

  • Birthday March 30

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  • Interests
    Classic TV, Old Movies, Theater, Child Welfare

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Marvelous job, everyone. Thanks for a good laugh!
  2. Well! How long has THIS been going on!? They're racing little girls at Churchill Downs!

    1. Brock


      For a little girl, she certainly had a lot of money in her purse.

    2. Mot Morenzi

      Mot Morenzi

      Surely you've heard of Grantland Rice?

  3. Look what happened to your washing machine!

    1. Mot Morenzi

      Mot Morenzi

      OUR washing machine?

  4. What's the word I'm looking for? Oh yes...appalling.
  5. Ick! I hate it when videophiles overuse the word "crisp" to describe an image. They should say sharp! SHARP!
  6. Oh I must pick this up while I'm out shopping tomorrow. TV dinners are running low, hehe
  7. It's a moo-moo.

    1. Mot Morenzi

      Mot Morenzi

      They look like women from Mars!

  8. Sexy Cuban girl?

    1. Brock


      What about a sexy Cuuban gal? :D

  9. What is with all the age discrepancies?
  10. Does ze vord amputation ring a bell?

    1. Brock


      I've got an idea, luv.

    2. Freddie2


      I wash my hair in beer!

  11. Trained seals of the world, unite!

  12. Mrs. Miriam Chumley and Puh-ty

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chedderchester


      We may as well pop off!



      I always say:You never get let down if you go and see Ricky Ricardo.That's what I always say.

    4. Mot Morenzi

      Mot Morenzi

      RICKY RICAHDO AIN'T HEAH NO MOAH!? Well I'm gettin' outta this crummy dump!

  13. Ann Sothern flown to Mayo Bros. - Disappointed it is not mayonnaise factory. Following Mame, Gene Saks to direct traffic.
  14. Scandal at hair dressers! Lucille Ball accidentally asks for blow job! Scientists discover cause of California earthquake: Lucille Ball turning in grave over colorization! CBS promotes racial harmony - Fred and Ethel to be black in future colorized episodes. Unaired Lucy episode discovered - "The Chimp Sitter." Featured appearance by Gloria Swanson. Shock! Lucy does not want to be in Ricky's show when she discovers that she has her own! Lucy disguises herself as Rabbi to infiltrate ham-eating Mertz household on Chanukah. Conundrum! Ethel dyes hair to be passed off as Lucy's sister - Cannot choose between grey or color. Wants to appeal to a modern audience. Ethel discovers porn under Fred's side of mattress - extracts revenge by leaving vibrator in refrigerator salami compartment.
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