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Antonym Title Guess

Mot Morenzi

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Lucy & Viv Take Out A Toilet (gee, that's a toughie ;))


Last Go


Arkansas Gagged


Keeping the Girls Shoes


Not Enough Good Citizens


Derivitive Men


Lucy & Ricky Make Up


The Binge


Ethel Thinks Fred is Trying to Keep Her Alive :marionstrong:


Don't Be A Nemesis


The Book Musical


The Mertzes Condemn a Landmark

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Lucy & Viv Take Out A Toilet (gee, that's a toughie ;))




Arkansas Gagged - TENNESSEE BOUND


Keeping the Girls Shoes - CHANGING THE BOYS' WARDROBE


Not Enough Good Citizens - TOO MANY CROOKS


Derivitive Men - PIONEER WOMEN


Lucy & Ricky Make Up - FRED & ETHEL FIGHT


The Binge - THE DIET


Ethel Thinks Fred is Trying to Keep Her Alive - LUCY THINKS RICKY IS TRYING TO MURDER HER


Don't Be A Nemesis - BE A PAL


The Book Musical - THE OPERETTA


The Mertzes Condemn a Landmark - THE RICARDOS DEDICATE A STATUE

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One Bad Grandkid Doesn't Deserve Another


Father of the Groom


Fred's Deathday


Viv's Beauty Shop Trio


Viv Works Caesar


Viv's Glasses


Lucy Moves In


Viv & The Angels


1. One Good Grandparent Deserves Another

4. Lucy's Barbershop Quartet

5. Lucy Plays Cleopatra

6. Lucy's Contact Lenses?

7. Viv Moves Out

8. Lucy & The Monsters?

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this thread is KILLING me. Especially "Ethel thinks Fred is trying to keep her alive." :marionstrong::lol:


Adult Funerals, LTD.

Viv Dumps a Poor Guy

Vacation Photos

Ethel comes home from the asylum

Mary Jane is not in a cucumber

New York at first

Ethel's American Photo

Viv leaves the Capitol Building

Big Ricky gives away a cat

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I was actually going for "Lucy and John Wayne" with "Lucy and Rip Taylor" because how much more opposite could you get?


Ditto: "Lucy Meets the Goulds" ---that would be Sid and Vanda, a show business couple as opposite as you get from "The Burtons"---although both Liz and Vanda did "Virginia Wolf"!---doubtful that Sid had the Burton role.


"Lucy, the Corn Commoner"----was "Lucy, the Bean Queen"!!




Your other guesses were correct:


"Yes, More Polygamy"

"Lucy Plays Dr. Kevorkian"

and an obvious

"Lucy is VG as MD" (with VD?)

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Posted by Cheddarchester:

OK here's more


Ethel Doesn't do a Movie Trailer

Ethel Plagarizes a Musical

Ricky and Fred take back different suits

Fred controls his calmness

Mary Jane, the lazy father

Ethel forgets how to walk


1 - Ricky's Screen Test?

2 - Lucy Writes a Play

3 - Lucy & Ethel Buy the Same Dress

4 - Ricky's Temper

5 - ?

6 - ?

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  • 1 year later...

Bumping this thread


Mary Jane and the Silver Italian

Mary Jane at Disney World

Mr. Mooney takes Secluded Rd off the Atlas

Viv Opts Out of an Eating Marathon

Deficit dollars

Viv, the European Father

The Unknown Downstairs

Ethel isn't Proud

Viv out of the Noise Land

Harry and Eddie stop being Inferiors

Harry and Eddie drop Physics

I know who paid Mary Jane $47.00

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Let's keep it going! What were the other answers?

And just to add to it . . .


The Incinerator

The Boys Want to Leave the Fights

Women aren't Clean


The Old Defusers

Adults Can Come

Always Con Your Enemies

Ethel Laughs Coyote

Lucy Buys the Bus

Taking Apart a Stove

Viv the Selling Novice

Mary Jane and Jafar's Cobra Wand

Hello, Mr. Svelte

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