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Viv & Lucy - Password!

Mot Morenzi

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Yeah, instead of Gary have Gale instead. That would've been better.


Lucy and Gale would have left everybody else in their dust though. LOL I've only seen them on Password together that one time and still can't believe how he got Lucy to say "banquet" from "baronial" and "diamond" from how fast he said "Koh-i-Noor".

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Was Gale on Password with Lucy? or do you mean Mr Morton


I thought Peter Lawford was the one with Lucy who was giving her those clues. I've never seen Gale on Password at all.


I'm not sure how many episodes total he appeared in, but he appeared with Lucy at least once in an episode which also featured Gary and Mary Wickes.

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I'm not sure how many episodes total he appeared in, but he appeared with Lucy at least once in an episode which also featured Gary and Mary Wickes.

Yes, wasn't that the week where Lucy and gary were billed as playing with Lucy's FRIENDS all that week? I expected Bob Hope and Milton Berle and got Dick Patterson and Irving Lipshitz. And i skipped a week of school for the privilege.

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