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New "I Love Lucy" Cuckoo Clock

Mot Morenzi

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For $200 I'd want something a little more...subtle. LOL It would be great for them to post a video, however, to see it in action.


Yeah, it's a little busy. I mean, come on, every Lucy tie-in product uses the same photos over and over and over. Vitametavegamin, candy factory, grape stomping, Carmen Miranda. Can't we do something different and a little less garish?

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I was flipping through the new TV guide during my lunch hour and stumbled on an ad for this:




Beautiful, yes, but I'll only really want it if they used Lucy's "cuckoo" sound effect from "The Kleptomaniac"


Date of TV Guide, please - what's on the cover, etc. Thanks...for the chronology...JK

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