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New England says bubbler too. My Mass roomate in college called it that, and I thought it was funny since that was my HS mascot name.


I'm in the heart of PA Dutch here so I grew up with the words and the food.

Really?! That is cool! When we went to NYC we got made fun of by some of the people we met there. Especially the bubbler thing.

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Yeah... I have recently noitced how she says WUUNDAFUL... and I like how she says PAAHTIO and I could do without TAMAAHTO... and I always thought in the movie Mame that when Sally Cato tells her about a hunt with horses and Lucille says: "WHORE-SES?"... I always thought she was enuncinating it so carefully to kinda thumb her nose at that guy who embarassed her way back when at the dramatic school...

I like how our girl speaks at times ... like SAT-TUR-DAY.. and DESS-SI

This is a great Idea for a thread... I think MAIN-YOU is the oddest way to pronounce menu.. I have only heard HER

say it that way ... but I like it!

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Here in Wisconsin we call it soda. A soft drink/fountain drink is what you would get from a restaurant, like McDonalds, out of the machines.


We also in Wisconsin have a special term called a bubbler. Which is what most of you would call a water fountain, where you get a drink of water. Now I have difficulty even saying that there. A water fountain to me is something you throw pennies into!

We had FOUNTAIN coke here in the fifties when i was growing up, it was a syrup that add to water became COKE.
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Yeah... I have recently noitced how she says WUUNDAFUL... and I like how she says PAAHTIO and I could do without TAMAAHTO... and I always thought in the movie Mame that when Sally Cato tells her about a hunt with horses and Lucille says: "WHORE-SES?"... I always thought she was enuncinating it so carefully to kinda thumb her nose at that guy who embarassed her way back when at the dramatic school...

I like how our girl speaks at times ... like SAT-TUR-DAY.. and DESS-SI

This is a great Idea for a thread... I think MAIN-YOU is the oddest way to pronounce menu.. I have only heard HER

say it that way ... but I like it!

Doesn't Dessssi sound classier? I always called him Dezi and most people also.
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I also like the way Lucy enunciates so clearly, Claude. If there is a "T" in a word, she will crisply pronounce it. I've gotten a kick out of the few times Lucy Ricardo impersonates a "New Yawk" accent as she does it so well. I can remember the episode where she successfully gets two chatterboxes off of their shared party line by pretending to be one of them (heehee!), & the other time when she gets Ricky & Fred down to Palm Springs. Anyone remember if there are any others?


Annaleigh, I've never heard the word bubbler applies to a water fountain, but I like it. To me a bubbler is one of those liquid filled tubes that you plug into an outlet & it lights up, & as it warms the liquid bubbles in the tube.


Joyce, you have me wanting cinnamon rolls now :) ! I also can remember waking up in a very cold house with thick wool blankets on the bed. And I admit that one of my few pet peeves is the word wash pronounced "warsh" -- it sets my tith on etch :lucythrill: .

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I also like the way Lucy enunciates so clearly, Claude. If there is a "T" in a word, she will crisply pronounce it. I've gotten a kick out of the few times Lucy Ricardo impersonates a "New Yawk" accent as she does it so well. I can remember the episode where she successfully gets two chatterboxes off of their shared party line by pretending to be one of them (heehee!), & the other time when she gets Ricky & Fred down to Palm Springs. Anyone remember if there are any others?


Annaleigh, I've never heard the word bubbler applies to a water fountain, but I like it. To me a bubbler is one of those liquid filled tubes that you plug into an outlet & it lights up, & as it warms the liquid bubbles in the tube.


I admit that one of my few pet peeves is the word wash pronounced "warsh" -- it sets my tith on etch :lucythrill: .

Well, listen to anyone on talk shows lately, you can never understand anything they say as they don't enunciate properly, gimme the Lucy way any day!
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I once had a coworker who was originally from Pennsylvania who said "warsh" for "wash", "assburn" for "aspirin," and even called Walmart "Walmart's" and Kmart "Kmart's". That really irritated all of us. LOL

I think that's everywhere, we have people from Quebec City who come here to Montreal and have the weirdest SPRESSIONS for everything. And i'm not even going to the language thing which is a matter of life and death here with our language police, this old lady who shopped with my mom never learned English so she would shop at Kah Marr. So friggin annoying, the first times she said it we had no idea what the hell she was talking about, but it was K Mart, back in the days where they were here, but now they've gone and we'll be getting Tar jay soon, aka TARGET.
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  • 3 weeks later...

:lucy1: (in Lucy Goes To Mexico) These sweaters are just like any other sweaters only their cazh-MURR. Cazh-MURR comes from goats...


Also, Lucy Carter had a slightly strange way of pronouncing "Jacqueline Susann".

I'm surprised Lucy mentionned her at all, seeing as she was a smut writer. Albeit a successful one.
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