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And there was so much they could have done with it, too. If they were planning on having Doris on the Cruise they should have just SAID SO, or something along the lines that "Doris Singleton has every intention of coming", covering their butts if God Forbid she is unable to go for any reason. The same could have been done with Dann Cahn and anyone else up for the trip. For those who couldn't go, an interesting event could have been a video conference with people like Madelyn, Bill Asher, Bob Schiller and so forth for a Q & A. A Lucy family reunion with Lucie, Larry, Desi, Amy, their kids, Cleo, Zo, and their kids... maybe Viv's surviving brother and sister? A concert with Ricci, Desi, and Billy -- with special guest jammer Keith T.? A writers' symposium with writers of some of the classics like Kathleen Brady as well as some of the new kids on the block like Elisabeth Edwards, Cindy De La Hoz, that crack team of Glaser and Carl, and our own little HC? ( :lucythrill: ) Nick Yapp could come on board so we can educate him? lol


Sure beats a "Decorate Your Cabin Door" contest!

Listen, as much as i LOVE Doris Singleton, for that kind of money i'd want Doris Day!

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You'd have better luck getting Herbert Grimsted! (sp?) ;)

Herbie's been booked for this year's celebrity for Festival 100, he beat out Mickey Rooney. Maury Thompson's ashes were third. That would have been the only way maury the moron would have had nothing bad to say about Lucy on her 100th birthday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome back, Uncle Harry!


I wish more details were available on the program for the cruise. Don't get me wrong, they're great performers (and great people to boot!), but I can't justify spending thousands of dollars for a couple of shows with Suzanne and Adrian.


Well, I wasn't going because you weren't going if I was going but if you're going when I'm going I might as well go.


But if you don't go, who am I going to sing "Ukulele Talk" with at the cruise show?

(This number coming scheduled right after Claude does "Yellow Bird")

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I love the disclaimer at the bottom: "The Ricardo's are impersonators." I'M SHOCKED! They just lost a customer. :lol:;)


This reminds me of the 10 year old boy who ahead of me in line to register for the first Lucy Convention in Burbank. He was distraught to learn that all four I Love Lucy actors had passed on. He hung his head for a moment, then looked up and asked "Is Fred the dog still alive?"

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  • 1 month later...

This reminds me of the 10 year old boy who ahead of me in line to register for the first Lucy Convention in Burbank. He was distraught to learn that all four I Love Lucy actors had passed on. He hung his head for a moment, then looked up and asked "Is Fred the dog still alive?"


Thats like the time I was In jamestown eating breakfast at friendly's and two other lucyfans came in and the waitress who was from Jamestown and according to her lived there her whole life asked why everyone was wearing lucy t-shirts. the two ladies said that lucy-desi days was that weekend. The waitress says "oh is lucille ball going to be there?" I kid you not the whole place was silent. The two ladies just kinda giggled and said no that lucy died many years ago

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