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Lucy Clippings- The 1960s


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She's so chic and I love the hair, but its like she is totally missing her top lip.

Right! it's missing so much. I think this is a true example of how much Lucys entire face and features played a part to her recognizable look. 

Her crows feet, her over the top lip line, the thick eye brows during this time period- all of that made her Look- the absence of that made for just another hollywood face. THIS is why I feel Lucy always did best with her look- KEEPING it, no matter what. If you think about it, after the 40s, when do you EVER see LB out on the town, or even at home, without some eye brow pencil on and those bow lips? (both are kind o missing in this photo) her image was sacred to her lol I LOVE her hair and wish she'd have tackled that one a few times in the early HL episodes


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I'm looking on a small phone but it could be the angle and lighting that are diminishing her usual lip and brow prominence. She looks nice here .. Now the Blackgamma ad is a time where I despised her look. (She should of slapped Gay Bandit like she did Hal King)

Me thinks the retoucher just got carried away that's all, although it's hard to tell looking at a blow up of a picture of a picture! :blink:


What I find more interesting is a couple of comments in the article, especially the thing about the "new (Here's) Lucy show" being not a travelogue but the plot is she and the kids are traveling around the country in a specially built truck!! WTF??!  Whereever did they get that!??


Also kind of ironic (not to mention sad, given how she passed) was the comment about an aortic replacement. Hmmmm. :lucyhorror:

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I came across the name Martin Goodman while searching articles on Lucy. The Winchell column hints at a romantic relationship. Some more digging shows that he was a theatrical agent from NY and picked up Carol Burnett as a client while she was doing Mattress. In subsequent newspaper columns, it’s mentioned that Lucy signed with him as her theatrical agent in NYC around June 1960. The Winchell article dates to April 1960. That article got me thinking. Could this be the guy that Desi confronted Lucy with the name and phone number of someone in NY he thought she was having an affair with. I always thought if she had something going on in NY (and she was there on Wildcat business) it had to be someone discreet or that she could hide as a working relationship. Of course, it could all be professional but that Winchell passage just got me thinking. 





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