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Doris Belack Dies At The Age Of 85


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Veteran television and movie actress Doris Belack has died at the age of 85.

Her most notable recent role was as recurring character Judge Margaret Barry on hit show Law and Order.

The actress' air of authority saw her cast in a similar role as a legal adjudicator on shows such as New York Undercover and Cosby.

In addition to her decades of television work she also made appearances on the silver screen, most notably as exasperated producer Rita Marshall in 1982 hit Tootsie.


Pics of Doris: http://www.google.com/search?q=Doris+Belack&hl=en&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS410US410&prmd=imvnsuo&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=64OPTsmbCaTv0gH_nKQU&ved=0CD0QsAQ&biw=1366&bih=589

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Anna Wolek on "One Life To Live"!!!!Now I know now why I saw Doris Belack's name on the "One Life To Live" message board under a thread heading. In "Tootie" she played a Gloria Monty-like Soap Opera producer. She was on "One Life To Live" around the same time Judith Light was on there. Judith Light's character played Karen Wolek(prostitute) married to Larry Wolek(doctor) who was Anna Wolek's brother.

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Anna Wolek on "One Life To Live"!!!!Now I know now why I saw Doris Belack's name on the "One Life To Live" message board under a thread heading. In "Tootie" she played a Gloria Monty-like Soap Opera producer. She was on "One Life To Live" around the same time Judith Light was on there. Judith Light's character played Karen Wolek(prostitute) married to Larry Wolek(doctor) who was Anna Wolek's brother.

Oh, i know her then, i remember the producer on Tootsie, she was great. CAN THE CAMERA MOVE BACK FURTHER TO MAKE TOOTSIE LOOK GOOD? How about Philadelphia?

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