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Gary Collins, dead you know!


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Sad news. Those Lucy appearances on HOUR MAGAZINE as you mentioned were just wonderful and who could forget Gale reading his foreward from "Loving Lucy" to Lucy on the show, very moving. Gary Collins may not have been a world-class talk show host but he was very good in his low key way and terrific when he had one of the iconic ladies of Hollywood on his show like Lucy, Bette Davis, or Kim Novak, they obviously trusted him to avoid gossip and personal matters. He even managed to get the very private Jane Wyman on the show several times, no mean feat as she talked almost no one in the media during the Reagan presidency.

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You know, i always liked him, and his wife. The only reason i went with the title mocking one of Lucy's lines on the show was because nobody here had thought him important enough to start a thread on his passing. But i'm sure they'll complain if he doesn't make the Emmy In memoriam segment though. :lucyblah: I never missed his show, he seemed genuine.

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