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"Ricky Ricardo" song by Kaptn


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There's a new song out there called "Ricky Ricardo" by Kaptn. Here's the Youtube video:


The song and video is a little vulgar. Not sure what to think about it...mentions of Lucy "goosey", 'Babulu' and "splain'n to do" certainly tie it to I Love Lucy.


I think Lucy would react with... :lucydisgust:

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There's a new song out there called "Ricky Ricardo" by Kaptn. Here's the Youtube video:


The song and video is a little vulgar. Not sure what to think about it...mentions of Lucy "goosey", 'Babulu' and "splain'n to do" certainly tie it to I Love Lucy.


I think Lucy would react with... :lucydisgust:

Well, that's rare indeed, ME, at a loss for words. Great lead singer, the video gets better in black and white, how appropriate. Catchy tune, but they shouldn't clear space for a Grammy though.

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