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Lucy getting blamed for the feather incident

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I can't believe they blamed HER for the feather mess. Yes she pulled them out of the chair but Fred turned on the fan right in front of the feathers. I would be pretty mad if they all laid the blame on me. 


Ricky clearly did not want another meeting at their apartment, and Ethel wouldn't budge unless she had a better looking place, so it wasn't all Lucy's fault. 

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I can't believe they blamed HER for the feather mess. Yes she pulled them out of the chair but Fred turned on the fan right in front of the feathers. I would be pretty mad if they all laid the blame on me.


Ricky clearly did not want another meeting at their apartment, and Ethel wouldn't budge unless she had a better looking place, so it wasn't all Lucy's fault.

I agree! I've always thought the Mertzes overreacted to that whole ordeal. One reason I don't especially like that episode. Fred and Ethel used the Ricardos as meal tickets quite a bit.

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