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The case of the Passaport photos

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So, Ricky Ricardo looked okay in his passport photos except for his hair, which he likened to "a head full of chocolate fudge".


Fred Mertz's photos made him look "like a fist with eyes."


In hers, Lucy said she "looked like Frankenstein"...


... while Ethel said, "Shake hands with your bride!"


In Staten Island Ferry, however, we only got a good look at Lucy and Ethel's photos:







It seems pretty clear that the Ethel Mertz passport photos were outtakes from the photo shoot with Viv below:





But Lucy's, to me, has been a bit more of a puzzle. I'm about 80 per cent sure that Lucy's photos were taken from the Lucille Ball photo shoot below, but the outfit looks just somewhat off. What do you think? Is this a match,or have you seen a better contender out there?



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