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The Facts of Life (Full Movie)


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This video "has been removed by user".  "The Facts of Life" was withheld for so many years, we only read about it.  Because of the praise heaped on it and the performances of Lucy and Bob, I may have been expecting too much when I finally saw it (Lucy Convention 1996).  It's very good, but has a TV sitcom quality and style  that keeps it from being a truly great "A" movie.  Color certainly would have helped (as it did in Critics Choice). 

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I always said that if there was one movie that Lucy would most likely get an Oscar nom for, it would be this one. While it isn't her best performance, it got quite a few nominations which would have leveraged her to get nominated. It's a shame she didn't.

I'd go with Big Street for any Oscar noms given the breadth and depth of her performance...despite the ultra dated, corny script! :-)

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