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El Show de Lucy

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I remember seeing a spanish version of a season three episode. I think it was the one where they do the plastering. The name escapes me. It was before I had the DVDs, so I was enthralled enough to sit through the dubbing for the full 20 minutes.


The only plastering episode I can think of is season 2s "The Loophole in the Lease." Was that it, perhaps?

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The only plastering episode I can think of is season 2s "The Loophole in the Lease." Was that it, perhaps?

Ah yes. I just thought yellow kitchen and assumed season three. I suspected it might be "Loophole", but wasn't sure because I didn't know the season and I'm not exactly good at placing self contained scenes with episodes.

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Ah yes. I just thought yellow kitchen and assumed season three. I suspected it might be "Loophole", but wasn't sure because I didn't know the season and I'm not exactly good at placing self contained scenes with episodes.

Nor am I. I sometimes remember individual lines or moments but can't place the episode at all.

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Hearing this voice come out of Lucy's mouth is so jarring.


I've felt the same way about the Spanish voice over.  I don't know why but the voice just doesn't fit.  The Portuguese version has a voice that sounds more appropriate to my ears.  It's still much higher than Lucille Ball's voice was at that point, but nevertheless it seems to fit.



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You know, her little nuances and things that make it all so believable. I don't notice those as much when I'm listening to what the characters are saying. It's sort of like when you pay more attention to the sets in a colorized episode.

I sort of know what you mean.


Loathe though I am to accept colorization, I will say this much: in that preview still from "Lucy and Superman," the cityscape background does look like it has more depth than in the black and white version.

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I sort of know what you mean.


Loathe though I am to accept colorization, I will say this much: in that preview still from "Lucy and Superman," the cityscape background does look like it has more depth than in the black and white version.

....and now my dear Brian begins his descent and slide to....THE DARK SIDE!!! Say it ain't so, LotusBud say it ain't SO!!! :marionstrong::blink::obrien:

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