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Has Suzanne LaRusch Seen This?


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Looks like it's a uk satellite tv show called psychobitches and Lucy is played by samantha spiro


Thanks!  I watched a video of one of the women behind this show explaining that the concept is a comical psychoanalysis of "famous women from the past."  I had never seen this before yesterday.


I've seen a couple episodes of Psychobitches. It's funny enough, although the Lucy impersonation isn't as good as others I've seen.


I've only seen this Lucy one, and one on the Statue of Liberty.  I'll have to check out more, but I like this Lucy one because they're actually touching on a bit of truth.  Lucille Ball was famous for knowing where cameras were supposed to be placed, and having the lighting correct.  She (as we know) was known for controlling the stage and all aspects of her production.  They're satirizing all of that.  The casual viewer probably won't get the joke, but Lucille Ball fans will.  Notice that they seem to be basing this on the Lucy Show era Lucille Ball.  There are several things here the point to that era: the roller skates; the "rotating diamond effect" (the kaleidoscope opening); her face inside a heart (seasons 3-6 opening credits); the scrunched face (see in the S2 opening credits).

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