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The Navy Comes Through - DVD


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This may be old news, but it was new to me, so I thought I would share that Screen Archives is issuing Desi Arnaz's motion picture, THE NAVY COMES THROUGH on DVD. Technically, I believe it is a made-to-order DVD-R, but "beggars can't be shoozers."  It sells for $19.95...


Here's a link http://www4.screenarchives.com/title_detail.cfm/ID/31685/THE-NAVY-COMES-THROUGH-1942/


Just wanted everyone to know...

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What I want to know is...


So "The Navy Come Through". Is that before or after "The Marines Fly High"?


Put those two with "The Army's Privates" and you've got a solid triple-bill!

With a bonus feature of Reville With Beverly for those who nod off.

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