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Viv and Lucy are this week's Closer cover girls


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Always nice to see our girls on the cover!





Wonder what quotes from Mary Wickes they'll use? Never really thought of Viv as her "best" friend. Probably just pull quotes from the Viv book but I'd love to find something new. Closer really does love Lucy. Second cover this year?
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Who do you think was her best friend? Lucy liked a circle of people close to her so what is your opinion?

After reading the chapter on Lucy in the Mary Wickes book, I feel it was her. People seemed to go in and out of Lucy's life but Mary seemed the constant. She also was unaffected by her status and I feel one of the true loyal friends Lucy confided deeply in.

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Good thought. I loved her book. You are right even Vivian would get annoyed or distracted and leave Lucy at times.

With Viv, whenever they had talk show or game show appearances it seemed that they would go for stretches without phone calls for whatever reason. Also in the Viv book someone said they thought Lucy needed Viv more than Viv needed Lucy.

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