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Here's Lucy with Viv

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I just finished watching Here's Lucy: Kim Finally Cuts You-Know-Whose Apron Strings. If Lucie had gotten her own show and Viv came back with Lucy do you think the show would still have been successful? What would the show have been like? I love Viv's guest appearances; Lucy and her work well off each other but it is hard to imagine her as a regular at this point. Nostaglia for the 1950s was still a year away (American Graffiti and Happy Days) but having the comedy team of the 1950s in the 1970s probably would have been popular. What are your thoughts? Were any scripts ever written for this new format?

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Viv was planning to come back with Lucy anyway after "With Viv as a Friend, Who Needs An Enemy", but fate wasn't kind and that was the start of Viv's health issues. It's hard to say if the ratings would have increased if Viv had come back, I think initially, yes, they would have, but I don't think it still would have gone over 6 seasons, so I really don't think it would have made a difference either way. I mean, look at The Lucy Show............the ratings increased once Viv LEFT!

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I haven't seen this episode yet, Will, but I'm guessing that Lucie moves out to live on her own. Since there would have to be some kind of recurring theme (like Lucy wanting to get into show biz on ILL or Lucy & Viv trying to make more money while raising their kids in TLS) I would guess that it might be similar to The Mothers-In-Law series I'm watching now. So maybe Lucy would be overprotective/spying/interfering in her daughters' life. While it would have been wonderful to see Viv back again, there would have to have been more of a theme to include her character (ala ILL when it was often the wives vs the husbands). Hard to say if it would have been successful -- I think yes at least for the first year, maybe two, but then a lot would have depended on the writing & whether the scenarios became too corny to sustain an audiences' interest.


Miki, I remember being so surprised when I first learned that the ratings improved after Viv left! After thinking about it for a while I believe it may be that back then, before the world was oversaturated with TV shows, movies, actors & singers, the weekly celebrity guest stars Lucy had on the show after Viv left were a big draw.

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Yes, that's the reason I think so as well vivfantoo, I think cause of the celebrity guest factor. I think the original format with Lucy/Viv and the kids was drying up and it was time for a change anyway. Even if Viv had stayed they should have gotten love interests and had more guests on the show.

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