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60th Anniversary Mattel Doll now available


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The new 60th Anniversary ILL Mattel set is available now. Rumoured to be the last in the series ( :angry: ), it looks like one of the best:




Available for $90.95 at the Lucy-Desi Museum: http://lucille-ball-desi-arnaz-center.stores.yahoo.net/new20dumado.html


Available for $87.95 from Cathy's Closet: http://www.lucystore.com/catalog_i12764164.html?catId=271699

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The new 60th Anniversary ILL Mattel set is available now. Rumoured to be the last in the series ( :angry: ), it looks like one of the best:




Available for $90.95 at the Lucy-Desi Museum: http://lucille-ball-desi-arnaz-center.stores.yahoo.net/new20dumado.html


Available for $87.95 from Cathy's Closet: http://www.lucystore.com/catalog_i12764164.html?catId=271699

W O W , J U S T I N C R E D I B L Y B E A U T I F U L !!!!!

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That looks very nice. The quality appears to be much better than some of the latest dolls. It's nice to support the above links, but in all fairness, to us "beer and pretzel" types," these dolls are available on the Mattel Barbie site at lower cost. I'll make people "work" a bit to find the website. :lucythrill:

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:marionstrong: Yeah that one was pretty dreadful. Which is sad, because when I started my collection I really intended on owning all of them. I didn't get the last one mainly because it was so ugly. If I can score a cheap one on ebay that'll be the only way it ends up on my shelves. I'm going to have to move out to make room for any more of these, especially if there are more double-dolls. :lucyhorror: But if Madame X comes to break in here she'll get a great haul! The price of each doll seems to hover in the $80 range. Or more.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I picked my set up at the post office today and they look almost as good in person as in that photo. Somewhere between Texas and here Lucy went a little askew in the box. LOL Speaking of the box, it's too bad they didn't use their case for this. The black band at the top obscures the top of Desi's head.

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