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The Lucy Show Bible Study


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I don't know how many Lucy Lounger's are Christians, but for those of you who are, I thought I'd share what I found today! I was looking for a new study Bible when all of a sudden I saw a picture with red hair. I thought, "This can't be, what would Lucy being doing in a Bible Study isle?" Well, I can never turn down anything even resembling/relating to Lucy, so I picked up the book and it was Bible Study based on "The Lucy Show!" It's like worksheets but I just read the lessons. They use a TLS episode to teach specific lessons and there are 3 volumes! If they would have used this in Sunday school I might have went more often! :lucyhaha:

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I don't know how many Lucy Lounger's are Christians, but for those of you who are, I thought I'd share what I found today! I was looking for a new study Bible when all of a sudden I saw a picture with red hair. I thought, "This can't be, what would Lucy being doing in a Bible Study isle?" Well, I can never turn down anything even resembling/relating to Lucy, so I picked up the book and it was Bible Study based on "The Lucy Show!" It's like worksheets but I just read the lessons. They use a TLS episode to teach specific lessons and there are 3 volumes! If they would have used this in Sunday school I might have went more often! :lucyhaha:


What episodes do they use, and how do they work it into Christian studies?

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I don't know how many Lucy Lounger's are Christians, but for those of you who are, I thought I'd share what I found today! I was looking for a new study Bible when all of a sudden I saw a picture with red hair. I thought, "This can't be, what would Lucy being doing in a Bible Study isle?" Well, I can never turn down anything even resembling/relating to Lucy, so I picked up the book and it was Bible Study based on "The Lucy Show!" It's like worksheets but I just read the lessons. They use a TLS episode to teach specific lessons and there are 3 volumes! If they would have used this in Sunday school I might have went more often! :lucyhaha:



OMG I totally saw that years ago! I'd forgotten how they did that. Kind of silly, but I guess PD episodes are good to fill out any library.

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