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Amazon Taking Pre-orders for Lucy Show Sixth Season

Mr. Wilson

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[quote name=DroopyDrawers :D' timestamp='1343281669' post='40741]

Yayyyyy! Cannot wait to get my copy in October!


I've pre-ordered mine too. This is The Lucy Show season I've watched the least (and have like the least) so it will be interesting seeing these again more objectively. This was certainly "The Lucy Show"'s MOST successful season on so many levels, except the one that matters most.

I was thinking of the lyric in the "Stewardess" musical.

"When the century we live in was a kid just in its teens,

Men used to dream of flying but they didn't have the means..."


Since the century we now live in is on the verge of being "a kid just in ITS teens", I wonder how this lyric if written in 2067 will play out. I just hope like the above, it won't be followed by "And Uncle Sam's brave nephew had a war that must be won..OVER THERE...we're coming over..and we won't come back till it's over over there", because I shudder to think where 'over there' would be next. ("how're ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm, after they've seen Dubai"). Unless the lyric will be changed to "Up There" and we invade Canada and take that unnecessary "u" out of the middle of words. The only things I can think of that we may be dreaming without the means for now, except for space travel and moon colonization (and YOU can HAVE it!! As Ethel Merman said in "Mad Mad World": "No one's getting ME up in the air") are more along the lines of disaster prevention and would not make for a good song. For instance, a non-polluting renewable energy source; a realization that we cannot continue being a throw-away society indefinitely; manufacturing that is based on recycling and is NOT reliant on third world slave labor; sane Republicans, but if anything they are getting crazier by the minute. Objective history will not judge them well. .....Oh, and a cell phone I can figure out.


(Without Claude, I feel as though I'm now the board's designated old-man ramble-on-er by default.)

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Colour me insulted. And here I was labouring under the assumption that our correct spelling was the favoured way of spreading couth and culture to our American neighbours. Harbouring rumours like those about Grandma Sutton and the cat food salesman is richer in both humour and flavour when properly spelled. I savou the correct usage of the U and will fight for its honour with vigour.

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Colour me insulted. And here I was labouring under the assumption that our correct spelling was the favoured way of spreading couth and culture to our American neighbours. Harbouring rumours like those about Grandma Sutton and the cat food salesman is richer in both humour and flavour when properly spelled. I savou the correct usage of the U and will fight for its honour with vigour.


:hlLOL: !!!


Even though I no longer live there I still use Canadian English when typing.

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Colour me insulted. And here I was labouring under the assumption that our correct spelling was the favoured way of spreading couth and culture to our American neighbours. Harbouring rumours like those about Grandma Sutton and the cat food salesman is richer in both humour and flavour when properly spelled. I savou the correct usage of the U and will fight for its honour with vigour.


Oh YO!!....yo're thoroghly too prod of yor "u". We to the soth of yo say "sor grapes", yo yong lot!!

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