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GREAT Lucy/Desi Photo Archive


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While looking for something else this evening, I stumbled upon this TERRIFIC celebrity photo archive featuring many photos of Lucy, Desi, Viv and crew that I have never seen before. The one above is just a sampling. I particularly like the behind the scenes photos from Opening Night, the shots of Lucy, Gary, Lucie, Desi and Dede at Roxbury, and the groovy shot of Lucy sitting amid a sea of "Loving Lucy."


LUCY: http://imagecollect.com/celebrities/lucille-ball-pictures-44477/page-1


(Does anyone know who Lucy and Desi are smooching in front of the plane?)


THE DESIS ARNAZ: http://imagecollect.com/celebrities/desi-arnaz-pictures-18243


LUCIE: http://imagecollect.com/celebrities/lucie-arnaz-pictures-44466

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While looking for something else this evening, I stumbled upon this TERRIFIC celebrity photo archive featuring many photos of Lucy, Desi, Viv and crew that I have never seen before. The one above is just a sampling. I particularly like the behind the scenes photos from Opening Night, the shots of Lucy, Gary, Lucie, Desi and Dede at Roxbury, and the groovy shot of Lucy sitting amid a sea of "Loving Lucy."


LUCY: http://imagecollect....es-44477/page-1


(Does anyone know who Lucy and Desi are smooching in front of the plane?)


THE DESIS ARNAZ: http://imagecollect....-pictures-18243


LUCIE: http://imagecollect....-pictures-44466


O M G O M G O M G O M G O M G some of those are absolutely stunning. I always look at those everywhere on the net so i've seen almost all of them before, i especially love that photo shoot at home. When they are said to be in the Republic of China, it's really the pavilion at the New York World's fair of course, LOL! If it wasn't for the one with Lucy and jerry asshole lewis, it would be just perfect, i'll write them to see if they can remove it, LOL! You're right Brock, some of these are indeed very rare. Can't believe you did not recognize Mr Arnaz though.

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Wow! What great photos! I esp love the one of Lucy eating the roll as Florabelle LOL!


And - they have a whole album dedicated to Gary Morton!!! :HALKING: - I LOVE the one of Lucy, Gary and Dede all in costume! They all look so happy! I just wish they wouldn't have that horrible watermarks all over them!

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While looking for something else this evening, I stumbled upon this TERRIFIC celebrity photo archive featuring many photos of Lucy, Desi, Viv and crew that I have never seen before. The one above is just a sampling. I particularly like the behind the scenes photos from Opening Night, the shots of Lucy, Gary, Lucie, Desi and Dede at Roxbury, and the groovy shot of Lucy sitting amid a sea of "Loving Lucy."


LUCY: http://imagecollect....es-44477/page-1


(Does anyone know who Lucy and Desi are smooching in front of the plane?)


THE DESIS ARNAZ: http://imagecollect....-pictures-18243


LUCIE: http://imagecollect....-pictures-44466


What the heck is the deal with that pic, page 8 i think, of Lucy with Jean Stapleton, are they arm wrestling or something? The looks on their faces too?

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I've seen some of these but a low percentage of these actual prints. Have seen some others from same photo shoot.


In this age of digital replication, I don't see how any entity can realistically expect to retain exclusive ownership. Does the 'watermark' method still work to prevent copying?


A couple of things I don't understand about picture ownership. When you acquire a picture somehow, is it yours to use any way you want? Sometimes pictures included in a book say "from the Claude Courval collection" (to pick someone randomly from my files) and obviously Claude just acquired the picture but probably not the "rights".

This site obviously bought them from somebody else and who knows how far down the line that party was from the original photographer.


Desilu, Too's ownership of the "likenesses" is a bit murky to me. I understand Lucie not wanting her parents' images used for commercial purposes (like salt shakers) without getting a cut. Lucie's interpretation of likenesses also extends to pictures used in books or posted online. I'm not sure she'd have a legal leg to stand on with this. This would mean than any author who wanted to publish a book and include a picture of Lucy would have to get permission from Desilu Too--I assume by writing a check? At least by her interpretation? Which would mean that if Lucie did not approve of the book, she could stop the author from using pictures?


I know Lucie sent an email to one of the authors of a Lucy book who had created a website for the book, including a couple of pictures, that said:

"Do you have permission to use these pictures? The Lucy police never sleep".

This was well after the book had been published so one would assume the 'permission' issue was resolved for the original publication..


I think the reason the Opening Night crowd is pictured with those girl scouts is that on the same night CBS ran the original "Opening Night", it also ran a special called "Road to Button Bay" which had something to do with either campfire girls or the girl scouts.

Look how far (DOWN!) network programming has come. Can you imagine one of the major networks airing this special today?

Not unless they could get the girls to get all catty with one another.

"SHE looks so FAT in brown"....

."I'LL tell you how she got all those merit badges. It WASN'T from helping little old men across the street."

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Anywhere where I can find pictures of Desi in 1963-1966, and also from around 1983-1984? Where was he during those years?


And yes, LOL at the pic of Flora Belle eating the sandwich. (Not a roll!)


It might be a sandwich to you but it's a roll to us! A sandwich is in bread.

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Desilu, Too's ownership of the "likenesses" is a bit murky to me. I understand Lucie not wanting her parents' images used for commercial purposes (like salt shakers) without getting a cut. Lucie's interpretation of likenesses also extends to pictures used in books or posted online. I'm not sure she'd have a legal leg to stand on with this. This would mean than any author who wanted to publish a book and include a picture of Lucy would have to get permission from Desilu Too--I assume by writing a check? At least by her interpretation? Which would mean that if Lucie did not approve of the book, she could stop the author from using pictures?


I know Lucie sent an email to one of the authors of a Lucy book who had created a website for the book, including a couple of pictures, that said:

"Do you have permission to use these pictures? The Lucy police never sleep".

This was well after the book had been published so one would assume the 'permission' issue was resolved for the original publication..


Just when I was starting to like the, umm, daughter. What an attitude.
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I've seen some of these but a low percentage of these actual prints. Have seen some others from same photo shoot.


In this age of digital replication, I don't see how any entity can realistically expect to retain exclusive ownership. Does the 'watermark' method still work to prevent copying?


A couple of things I don't understand about picture ownership. When you acquire a picture somehow, is it yours to use any way you want? Sometimes pictures included in a book say "from the Claude Courval collection" (to pick someone randomly from my files) and obviously Claude just acquired the picture but probably not the "rights".

This site obviously bought them from somebody else and who knows how far down the line that party was from the original photographer.


Desilu, Too's ownership of the "likenesses" is a bit murky to me. I understand Lucie not wanting her parents' images used for commercial purposes (like salt shakers) without getting a cut. Lucie's interpretation of likenesses also extends to pictures used in books or posted online. I'm not sure she'd have a legal leg to stand on with this. This would mean than any author who wanted to publish a book and include a picture of Lucy would have to get permission from Desilu Too--I assume by writing a check? At least by her interpretation? Which would mean that if Lucie did not approve of the book, she could stop the author from using pictures?


I know Lucie sent an email to one of the authors of a Lucy book who had created a website for the book, including a couple of pictures, that said:

"Do you have permission to use these pictures? The Lucy police never sleep".

This was well after the book had been published so one would assume the 'permission' issue was resolved for the original publication..


I think the reason the Opening Night crowd is pictured with those girl scouts is that on the same night CBS ran the original "Opening Night", it also ran a special called "Road to Button Bay" which had something to do with either campfire girls or the girl scouts.

Look how far (DOWN!) network programming has come. Can you imagine one of the major networks airing this special today?

Not unless they could get the girls to get all catty with one another.

"SHE looks so FAT in brown"....

."I'LL tell you how she got all those merit badges. It WASN'T from helping little old men across the street."

I had absolutely NO IDEA how all that worked, i thought you could just reprint any pic of Lucy you wanted, i didn't know there were people to pay for everything, should have assumed that. Thanks for the SPLANATION on those girl scouts. Now solve the Lucy/Jean Stapleton one?
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Just when I was starting to like the, umm, daughter. What an attitude.


That's why I'm hoping LaMarr's offer to offer his work for my chronology will be granted.... That reminds me to ask Michael Karol how much the Arnazes get for his many pictures in his A-Z books....

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I don't have the A-z book because I didn't think it offered anything new. Am I correct and are the pictures anything new or not seen often.

No, i think you're right. I even looked at TREASURES yesterday and just looked at the pictures and found it just meh, when will someone come out with a book that has everything picture wise? Guess nobody can afford it as an author.
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