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"Lucy Visits Constance Bennett's Hometown"

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Lucy, Ricky and Fred are motoring to the coast (sans 'friend' Ethel) and take a detour to the hometown of one of Lucy's dearest friends Constance Bennett. When the locals persuade our travelers to do a show with Constance, all is well until La Bennett turns into "Big Chief Hog-It-All" and relegates Lucy, Ricky and Fred to ticker taker, usher and candy peddler respectively. But Constance's cheshire grin turns into chagrin when Lucy re-conceives Contance's big finale: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" from her 1934 movie "Moulin Rouge". The revenge is doubly-sweet for our redhead who appeared in the movie UN-BILLED.


Note that the movie breaks this number up by cutting to off-stage conversation. I've cut these out which is the reason the music is a bit disjointed.


Can anyone pick out all the clips used?


(and don't ask me why I did this, because you all are the only audience who might appreciate it)


also note the lyrics "gig-i-los and gig-i-lettes"....I didn't know there was such a thing as a "gigilette"!



Canceled upload! Sorry, I had to make one change and will upload when I'm done.

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Revised post:


Lucy, Ricky and Fred are motoring to the coast (sans 'friend' Ethel) and take a detour to the hometown of one of Lucy's dearest friends Constance Bennett. When the locals persuade our travelers to do a show with Constance, all is well until La Bennett turns into "Big Chief Hog-It-All" and relegates Lucy, Ricky and Fred to ticker taker, usher and candy peddler respectively. But Constance's cheshire grin turns into chagrin when Lucy re-conceives Contance's big finale: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" from her 1934 movie "Moulin Rouge". The revenge is doubly-sweet for our redhead who appeared in the movie UN-BILLED.


Note that the movie breaks this number up by cutting to off-stage conversation. I've cut these out which is the reason the music is a bit disjointed.


Can anyone pick out all the clips used?


(and don't ask me why I did this, because you all are the only audience who might appreciate it)


also note the lyrics "gig-i-los and gig-i-lettes"....I didn't know there was such a thing as a "gigilette"!


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Neil, your very FIRST French review, ABSOLUEMENT INCROYABLE! That was just terrific, you keep topping yourself, absolutely stunning, every clip of Lucy elicited a laugh from me, you are just so great at this. KEEP'EM COMIN BOY!

So clever! You're so talented...but then, you knew that! ;)


Thank you, kindly couple!

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This is absolutely brilliant, Neil! I especially love the footage from Lucy Gets in Pictures. That just fits in perfectly.


This all started with viewing this "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Moulin Rouge number and realizes that the one shot of the showgirls laying on the stairs as the camera pans was the exact pose Lucy goes into after the "Gets In Pictures" shooter "missed" and it sprang from there.

Is there any gigolo or giggolette out there who can identify every Lucy clip inserted?

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Neil, I'm typing this from the floor because I FELL OFF MY CHAIR LAUGHING :marionstrong: !!! This is the funniest Lucy montage I've ever seen, heehee! You are so clever & creative. I love when something makes me laugh out loud, & this definitely did. I'm going to go watch it again ... :hlLOL:

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  • 4 weeks later...

This all started with viewing this "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Moulin Rouge number and realizes that the one shot of the showgirls laying on the stairs as the camera pans was the exact pose Lucy goes into after the "Gets In Pictures" shooter "missed" and it sprang from there.

Is there any gigolo or giggolette out there who can identify every Lucy clip inserted?

I am going to try and TAKE A STAB AT IT by listing what I think are the clips used in this Hilarious video.. Mind you, some of the titles I can't think of so I will do my best to describe the episode. LUCY MEETS THE QUEEN, THE HANDCUFFS, LA AT LAST, RICKY'S LIFE STORY, ETHEL'S HOME TOWN, THE BALLET, LUCY GETS IN PICTURES, THE INDIAN SHOW, RICKY ASKS FOR A RAISE, LUCY AND ETHEL BUY THE SAME DRESS, HOME MOVIES, THE OPERETTA, THE DANCING STAR, and the one I can't think of the name of, but it is where Risky Riskerdo is a feller she is looking for, a clip from season 2 TLS, KIDDIE PARTIES INC, AND a clip from the burlesque special where she flies (on wires) and does flips over the audience in a butterfly outfit.... I hope I am close!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow...was I close? Or waay off base.never got an answer to my guess.

Sorry didn't see your response earlier. You were pretty darn close. In order:

Ethel's Hometown, Ballet, Kiddie Parties, Dean martin Show, Gets in Pictures, Indian Show, Ricky Asks for a Raise, Danny Thomas Burlesque, Audtion, L&E Buy Same Dress, Ricky's Life Story, Operetta, Van Johnson, and Meets the Queen. Plus Handcuffs and LA at Last (in the tag scene) --both of which I'd forgotten.

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