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A Collectors' Question: What's the deal with the string holders?

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These things have always piqued my curiosity and I was wondering if anything knew anything else about them?




They seem highly collectable, although their appeal is probably an acquired taste. But they "ad" that always comes with them seems very unusual and not of the era. It is a very strange product to put out there, and even more unusual for Desilu to "copyright" it, along with the use of the "heart" logo which didn't seem to really make a foothold until syndication took off.


So, any story on where they originated? Were these from an actual company, or was someone whipping these up in their Van Nuys garage? Are they the genuine article? Has anyone actually seen the ad promoting these pieces in an actual publication?

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I can't answer your question but finally I see a decent picture of them! The photos I've seen are Mary's and bad quality ones. I would get my hands on them if I could. But like you said, they are extremely different. Are they rubber? plastic? Or what?


Edit: I just saw the ad. That logo seems odd. When did they start using the heart on satin? From the beginning of it's syndication or starting in the '60s?

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Rumor has it they were created by an artist and are not officially licensed or from the 50s or 60s. Something to do with the timing of I Love Lucy going into syndication using the heart logo (other string holders that appeared in the past have the logo stamped on the inside), the era these are said to be from and Desilu still in existance doesn't jive. It'd be nice if someone has or seen a newspaper/magazine with the original ad to help confirm their age. My guess is good folk art.

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Rumor has it they were created by an artist and are not officially licensed or from the 50s or 60s. Something to do with the timing of I Love Lucy going into syndication using the heart logo (other string holders that appeared in the past have the logo stamped on the inside), the era these are said to be from and Desilu still in existance doesn't jive. It'd be nice if someone has or seen a newspaper/magazine with the original ad to help confirm their age. My guess is good folk art.


Thanks for your input. There's something that doesn't quite add up with the age often ascribed to these things. That being said, as of right now the four string holders and the artfully distressed ad stand almost at $550 with over 12 hours left and the reserve has yet to be met. :o

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This exact cup sold on eBay in August for just under $200.


Now, the winner has decided the only person ever associated with Desilu called "Bob" was Mr. Hope, and.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/I-LOVE-LUCY-Personal-Gift-4-Bob-Hope-Coffee-Cup-from-Lucille-Ball-and-Desi-Arnaz-/300980470449?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4613d582b1



OMG!! Five THOUSAND Dollars for a coffee cup???!!  :lucyhorror:

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