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"New" Book about Carole Lombard (and Zo Ball!)


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Hello all...


Am not sure if this deserves its own subject heading, or whether it goes within one of the other topics already established.  I hesitated about putting it with "Books About Lucy" (because it isn't!)


Also, I apologize for my timing... Considering the news out of the Ukraine, this may not be a good time to speak about a plane crash... But I just recently finished reading an exciting book, and wanted to post this while the memories are still fresh...


The book (which was published late last year but just came to my attention) is called FIREBALL: CAROLE LOMBARD AND THE MYSTERY OF FLIGHT 3...


Like a Certs mint, this is really two books in one... It's an interesting biography about Carole Lombard -- who is one of my favorite actresses! -- AND it is an investigation into the flight on which she lost her life. The author borrows a style from Steinbeck and alternates the two topics, carefully weaving them into one...


Lucy is mentioned in the book, but not extensively, and there are no new revelations (just the stories you have heard before)... However, the one element that totally fascinated me was the fact that Zo Ball gave the author an extensive interview before her death last year... Zo's uncle Otto Winkler, an MGM publicist, was on the same flight as Carole and died with her in the crash... Zo was only about 18 or so at the time... Mr. Winkler's funeral was the day after Carole's, and Carole's widower, Clark Gable, attended and sat with Zo's grieving aunt...


I must admit that the first two-thirds of the book are much more fun than the last third -- which is devoted to the crash and the aftermath... But the author clearly has done his homework and has written a very informative and entertaining book...


If you are at all interested in Ms. Lombard, I heartily recommend this book!


Here's a link to Amazon:


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