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Gary's dad


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I know he had a sister Helen and along with his mom Rose they were all very close spending a lot of time together in Beverly Hills and Palm Springs.


I have never found any info on his dad. What was his name and why is he never mentioned?

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To be fair, in MY day, you never heard of Desi's dad either.


I seem to be able to find more on Desi's dad in the later years.  Mentions in a newspaper article, Desi talks about him varying times throughout his book. I'm stumbling on photos from all decades.  I thought he was rather illusive too but the more I research the more he pops up.


And yes I want to know why we get no mentions of Gary's dad.

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I seem to be able to find more on Desi's dad in the later years.  Mentions in a newspaper article, Desi talks about him varying times throughout his book. I'm stumbling on photos from all decades.  I thought he was rather illusive too but the more I research the more he pops up.


And yes I want to know why we get no mentions of Gary's dad.

Well, we never heard of his first wife either or his infamous sister in law Judith Exner.  As for Desi, yes, we know of his dad NOW but i'm saying back then, we never heard anything about him.  I had to ask here even to know when his dad died.  His mom we heard about a bit and she was always in family photos but even though Desi and his dad emigrated to the US first and worked together for a while, we never heard anything about him later on.

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Possibly, just possibly, it was Desi's father's choice NOT to be involved in the all the bru-ha-ha surrounding his VERY FAMOUS only child;


.......... then, perhaps, Lucille didn't care for him;


.......... we probably ALL know Desi's Mom probably didn't want him around;


.......... it is always possible, of course, that Daddy's re-marriage was not favorable to Lolita AND Desi, since it is factual Desi took very good care of his mother.


What I wish we could find out is this:  if Lolita was fortune recipient of Baccardi fortune, she didn't flaunt that fact; and was she wealthy in her own right?  So many mysteries.....Harry?  Fill us in, please, if you know. 


Maybe when Lucie gets her book out, we ill learn MUCH MORE....won't that be enlightening???? 

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Not his only child Lee Norman. He had a daughter with a women he met and married in America. Desi had a half sister and she worked in a bank. I don't think we know much about her but I believe she did meet and apparently like both Lucy and Edie.


I think the separation with his dad was more of Desi's choice. I think he may have blamed his dad for divorcing his mother and marrying another women. Let's face it, he was pretty much left to provide for his mother all alone. Not easy in his younger days. Who knows perhaps this influenced his later concern at Lucille moving on and marrying Gary quite so fast. It's full of irony of course that he found divorce so difficult to swallow from his own parents.


I believe Gary's sister was quite close to Lucy in the later years when many of the earlier friends had drifted away? We don't have much of an indication that either Gary's mother or father spent much time at the house. I wonder if they had a grandparent type of role to the kids?

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Not his only child Lee Norman. He had a daughter with a women he met and married in America. Desi had a half sister and she worked in a bank. I don't think we know much about her but I believe she did meet and apparently like both Lucy and Edie.


I think the separation with his dad was more of Desi's choice. I think he may have blamed his dad for divorcing his mother and marrying another women. Let's face it, he was pretty much left to provide for his mother all alone. Not easy in his younger days. Who knows perhaps this influenced his later concern at Lucille moving on and marrying Gary quite so fast. It's full of irony of course that he found divorce so difficult to swallow from his own parents.


I believe Gary's sister was quite close to Lucy in the later years when many of the earlier friends had drifted away? We don't have much of an indication that either Gary's mother or father spent much time at the house. I wonder if they had a grandparent type of role to the kids?


Knew of step-sister; but, was referring to Lolita and Desi marriage.  He was their only child, I believe.


Still wondering about his mom's reported 'fortune' from Bacardi; that's also not written about - wish we could get Harry to respond.  He really IS our expert around here.


AND....if Desi hated divorce so much that it separated him from Daddy, why did he re-marry after his own? 


I believe there are other stories that need to come out; but, probably won't unless Lucie writes her memories.  She would understand more than anyone (from a child's perspective, of course) regarding her grandparents' relationship(s); most certainly, her parents' difficulties, as well.


All the above having been said, it probably is NOT a good idea to KNOW ALL THE FAMILY SECRETS. 


Stars really only are under contract to entertain us; but, where is it written, except by gossips, that we know what happens when they leave work. 

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