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Lucie Introduces The Dark Corner

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Glad they finally got around to mentioning some of the difficulty Lucy had doing this film, with the director being a contributing factor. Didn't know the Zanuck quote. That's a new one. This is one of my top 5 favorite films ever Lucy did and it's a feat she gave such a fantastic a performance in this, especially given that she didn't even recall the plot due to her mental stress.


And I didn't have Mark on my radar for jealously but damn. I did however have George Sanders and John Hoediak on my list. Must be a thing with the film noir guys.

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Lucie is interviewed on stage on the TCM Cruise last week prior to a screening of The Dark Corner.



Harry, thanks SO MUCH for sharing this with us.  I appreciate you taking the time to do so.   Do you, by any chance, have the name of the man interviewing Lucie?  Another comment; don't know if SHE realizes it; but ,she 'fidgets' much like her mother!   JK  :fabrary:

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