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The Lucy Cry


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Have you ever wondered what older Lucy would have been like with younger Lucy's voice and vice versa?   Here's a little taste.

Older Lucy certainly had her appeal but the deeper voice took away that ingenue quality she had in her younger years.  These clips are from "Anniversary Present" (Grace Foster/Pearls) and one of the last Here's Lucy episodes from 1974 "Where is My Wandering Mother Tonight?", IMO one of the best in the entire series.  I wish the series had focused more on the relationship between Lucy and Kim (and Craig, if they could ever get him back for an episode or 2) and less on things like "Ma Parker", "Lucy in the Jungle" and "Harry Gets Gold Fever" (although I'm impressed with the set design in the latter 2).   Touching moments between Lucy and Harry were rare but I prefer that to the constant bickering.  The last 8, the last third of HL's 6th season's 24 episodes are among their best (with the exception of "Lucy the Sheriff").  Of these 8, four make my Top 10 Here's Lucy's from the entire 6-season 144 episode run. 




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It’s Lucy and Harry’s constant conflicts that make their nice moments all the more touching, for me, at least. The scene in “With Viv as a Friend...” where Lucy and Harry admit that they need each other is one of the best scenes in the whole Lucy Oeuvre, IMO. Similarly, “Breaking Up”, although the penultimate episode of LWL, would have made a much better “finale” to the series (even though Episode 13 isn’t a true finale) because it gives a lot of closure to the Lucy/Gale relationship, which really is the most consistent dynamic explored in her shows (1947-1986!)

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1 hour ago, Freddie2 said:

It’s Lucy and Harry’s constant conflicts that make their nice moments all the more touching, for me, at least. The scene in “With Viv as a Friend...” where Lucy and Harry admit that they need each other is one of the best scenes in the whole Lucy Oeuvre, IMO. Similarly, “Breaking Up”, although the penultimate episode of LWL, would have made a much better “finale” to the series (even though Episode 13 isn’t a true finale) because it gives a lot of closure to the Lucy/Gale relationship, which really is the most consistent dynamic explored in her shows (1947-1986!)

I'm in complete agreement. The tender moments, especially the one in "Viv as a a Friend," are wonderfully memorable. It's such a pity that "Breaking Up" never aired; it would've provided such a nice coda after all those years of bickering. 

Neil, your video is hilarious. I especially like hearing older Lucy's croak coming out of younger Lucy's mouth. Very clever. 

Perhaps, when you have time, you could find some dialogue passages to swap? It'd be fun to hear Lucy Ricardo spouting some Lucy Carmichael/Carter lines. 

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