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How come some people were never credited

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I've always wondered why on her various shows, they didn't credit some of the actors--such as dancers and whatnot.


For instance they didn't credit the guy who played the Palace Guard in "Lucy Meets the Queen" or any of the dancers in "Lucy in the Music World." They played pretty important parts in both episodes.


Just curious why.

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I believe everyone should be credited (big role or not). But I think back then it wasnt seen as a big deal. The reality was as long as the major stars were mentioned that was the main thing.

These days there have been major improvements and MOST are given the credit they deserve.

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Yeah back then movies and TV only the lead roles and a few of the leading minor roles seem to get credit.


The biggest example is probably Little Ricky LOL!


Plus if they had no dialogue, at least back then, I think the "rule" was they didn't have to so they didn't since it might have meant spending money changing the credits. :)

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