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Funniest NON-PHYSICAL Scenes

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What do you think are some of Lucy's funniest TV scenes that aren't physical (So, no "Job Switching", "Lucy And Viv Put In A Shower", "Lucy, The Fixer," etc.)? Scenes with sharp dialogue and huge laughs that don't hinge on physical bits.



I'll start. Off the top of my head (I will add more later), I think the fight between Lucy and Ethel in the latter's apartment from "Ethel's Birthday" is hilarious.

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Seconding the scenes mentioned - all terrific. I'll add a scene from "Redecorating". Lucy gets the two gossiping yackers off the phone to free up the party line because she's waiting for the home show to call and tell her she won the contest for the new furniture.

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Lucy's Tenant is pure hilarity and a very non-physical episode. The highlight for me is the dialogue about Mary Jane sounding like a mouse. I love the scene Lucy Plays Cops and Robbers that starts out about Harry's stolen TV sets and ends up a discussion about the pros and cons of natural childbirth.

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I agree about the great topic . . . also agree with all the choices mentionned so far . . . nothing funnier than clever dialogue and Bob and Madelyn sure delivered their fair share of Neil Simonesque banter over the years. One other one that comes to mind is the chatter between Lucy and Carolyn when discussing their previous infants, peeling bananas with his feet and so on.

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How about Ricky's Old Girlfriend where the gang is trying to complete the "How to Rate Your Marriage (Or Is Your Spouse A Louse?)" quiz, only to get completely derailed by Lucy and Ricky's egos with their past love lives and Ethel not being able to get a worch in etchwise?


:desi1: You know...it was...just one of those thins'.

:lucy1: Just one of those thins. Ethel?

:viv1::D WELL, if I --


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How about the translation team in the police station when Lucy is caught spreading counterfeit money.


Yes! Genius.


I love when Lucy calls Sylvia Collins. (Come to think of it, IMO all her bits involving telephone calls are brilliant.) While waiting for Sylvia to answer the phone, Lucy casually remarks to Ethel "You know, when I just think how I'm sticking my neck out for that bleached blonde in wolf's clothing, I - Sylvia, darling! How ARE you?!" :D

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Good choice!


Agree about "Housewarming", the best of the connecticut episodes. Ethel is wonderful. In addition to "I have sufficient", there's that "um-hum" she does while taking a sip of tea/coffee; AND that little cackle when Betty says "Lucy, will you get little Ethel Potter and me some more (coffee?)" ...and all those lines aimed at Betty (the Elsa Maxwell of Westport) for not inviting the Mertzes to her party.

This ep also shows what a great actress Lucy is. When it's finally dawning on her that there is indeed no surprise party, we see in VERY subtle ways that she know it but she still wants to believe it, but is progressively less convincing as she's putting the LucyRicardo-power of positive thinking spin on it to Ricky......until "That Ethel's a tricky one. It's just like her to......" (can't remember rest of sentence) and at that moment her optimism dissolves into a cry, one NOT done for laughs, but much more effective.

There just wasn't another show that could combine broad comedy and pathos. Certainly not then. Maybe there's been one since, I don't know.

Some famous person (maybe Andy Warhol?) once said of I Love Lucy. "She could be all sophisticated on the phone with "This is Mrs. Ricardo of 623 East 68th street" and the next moment she's dangling from the ledge. No one makes this transformation like Lucy."

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Yes! Genius.


I love when Lucy calls Sylvia Collins. (Come to think of it, IMO all her bits involving telephone calls are brilliant.) While waiting for Sylvia to answer the phone, Lucy casually remarks to Ethel "You know, when I just think how I'm sticking my neck out for that bleached blonde in wolf's clothing, I - Sylvia, darling! How ARE you?!" :D

Yeah, didn't she do a Carolyn darling bit too one time?
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