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Lucille Ball Globe Special Issue


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Lucy has the dubious honor of receiving her own special issue of the tabloid The Globe. It's quite negative. The cover exclaims "Lucy and Ethel Gay Scandal" and "Lucy's Affair with Married Man." Inside, they debunk the former and devote only a single sentence to the latter. Most of it is about how Lucy was a tyrant on the set, a bad mother, and victimized by Desi. There are so many errors that you'd lose count trying to keep track. It's as if the people in group who "wrote" this didn't read what each other wrote. There are tons of contradictions throughout, sometimes on the same page! On one page, they give two different dates for Lucy and Desi's second marriage - and neither one is right!


There are a lot of nice pictures, but I'm sure we've all seen 99% of them before. Save your money and don't encourage them to attack Lucy.

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Lucy has the dubious honor of receiving her own special issue of the tabloid The Globe. It's quite negative. The cover exclaims "Lucy and Ethel Gay Scandal" and "Lucy's Affair with Married Man." Inside, they debunk the former and devote only a single sentence to the latter. Most of it is about how Lucy was a tyrant on the set, a bad mother, and victimized by Desi. There are so many errors that you'd lose count trying to keep track. It's as if the people in group who "wrote" this didn't read what each other wrote. There are tons of contradictions throughout, sometimes on the same page! On one page, they give two different dates for Lucy and Desi's second marriage - and neither one is right!


There are a lot of nice pictures, but I'm sure we've all seen 99% of them before. Save your money and don't encourage them to attack Lucy.


That's disgusting. She's been dead nearly 24 years and she can't defend herself. I think they were just having a slow news day (before the Boston Marathon bombings today). I think they must pull dead celebs' names out of a hat and then make up BS to sell issues when they don't have anything more useful to write about. :lucyshock:

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This is at least the third "special issue" of a tabloid in magazine format in the last few months, the others being on Doris Day and Elizabeth Taylor. I'm kind of surprised this one is apparently so badly done as the Doris reportedly was fairly nice. Of course Doris is still with us. Most of these type magazines are not very good but wow this one sounds horribly done by what you mention.

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It's all about making a buck, no matter who they screw over in the process and I'm sure you're onto something that they were overly vicious with one who isn't around to defend i.e. litigate over the perhaps libelous verbiage but then...they do have heirs don't they, protecting their estate, use of images, etc. etc. so who knows? Get 'em, Lucie! ;)

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It's all about making a buck, no matter who they screw over in the process and I'm sure you're onto something that they were overly vicious with one who isn't around to defend i.e. litigate over the perhaps libelous verbiage but then...they do have heirs don't they, protecting their estate, use of images, etc. etc. so who knows? Get 'em, Lucie! ;)


No, Lucie can't sue anyone over defamatory statements against her parents.  She can only sue if she, herself, is the target of libel.  Once someone dies, unfortunately people are free to write whatever they want about them with no consequences.


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