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Is it possible?


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I read a thread on sitcomsonline.com that's bothering me. It's about questioning if Lucille Ball was really Lucie and Desi Jr.'s biological mother and makes a good case that she may have faked her pregnancies with both of them. First off the author of the post states how often is it that a woman who has had years of trouble conceiving suddenly gets pregnant at the age of 39 and carries two babies full term all within a period of 18 months. Second, is the observation that both kids look nothing like Lucy. I also don't see much if any of a resemblance of Lucie Arnaz to her father Desi, which raises more questions than it answers! Third is that while Lucie Arnaz can sing and dance very well, Lucy could not. Is it possible all of the live footage of her pregnant with both kids could've been staged or doctored or had her wearing false bumps in order to give the public the illusion that she really was having kids of her own? Could everyone within her family and friends been sworn to a cover-up in order to protect her self image? What do you guys think about this?

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Sorry, just ain't so. Simple genetics show you that Lucie and Desi Jr. got the stronger gene from their father and to most of us resemble him completely. As far as Lucy, all one has to do (with logic in mind) is check out Lucie's figure compared to her mother's and it is a mirror image, legs and all! Facially, yes, Lucie does not look 100% like her mother, but the structure is definitely there.


Not the strongest Mother's Day debate, but just one man's opinion.

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Yeah, I have no question in my mind- it's illogical. As Luvsbway said, there are literally home movies of her showing off her real stomach with the baby... and unless they had some wonderful makeup done for a home movie that was originally never intended to even go out to the public, then there really is no way. As far as the dancing and singing thing... you're forgetting about Desi, who just happened to be able to sing and dance. Of course it is possible, but it is 100% illogical.



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What with all this speculation, two children, a handful of grandchildren, two step grandchildren, at least one great-grandchild, and 497 people claiming to be her long-lost children and grandchildren, Miss Ball did us all a great disservice by not donating her Wonderful Womb of Mystery to the Smithsonian Institute.

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She could have gotten the fake pregnant stomach from Hal King, the quick-change artist not the make-up man with facial welts, and/or Mother Carroll, wardrobe woman of "a Broadway show".

This just gives further credence to my theory that I am the real Little Ricky/Desi, Jr.,  shuttled off to an orphanage in Oregon when it became obvious that I was never going to be able to play the drums like my "father" AND (however, I don't know how they could have known this early on) that I would never have submitted to performing Milt Josefsburg scripted drek!

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She could have gotten the fake pregnant stomach from Hal King, the quick-change artist not the make-up man with facial welts, and/or Mother Carroll, wardrobe woman of "a Broadway show".

This just gives further credence to my theory that I am the real Little Ricky/Desi, Jr.,  shuttled off to an orphanage in Oregon when it became obvious that I was never going to be able to play the drums like my "father" AND (however, I don't know how they could have known this early on) that I would never have submitted to performing Milt Josefsburg scripted drek!

I knew you looked familiar!

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Why did that person write such a stupid thread about asking whether Lucy was really Lucie and Desi Jr.'s mother then? When I first read it back in November of last year, I was so upset someone would even post such garbage as that. What was the objective of that post, to piss people off? Or was it just a joke?

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Sometimes I think Lucies face is often compared to the face of Lucille Ball and not maybe "Lucy Morton" not realizing that the orange hair, the bow shaped lips, the high eyes, the long lashes, etc. all of this was a Hollywood image- it wasn't natural-but without all of that, they were comparisons.


Like it was mentioned before, the structure of the face, and the freckles lol Lucie has a lot of family features- She has her fathers nose and mouth, but the eyes and the brow line belongs to De De  :)

Speaking of DeDe, sometimes I think some did the same kind of facial comparing with her and Lucy- the resemblance was kind of gone because she was glamorized lol 


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Why did that person write such a stupid thread about asking whether Lucy was really Lucie and Desi Jr.'s mother then? When I first read it back in November of last year, I was so upset someone would even post such garbage as that. What was the objective of that post, to piss people off? Or was it just a joke?


Be cuz some folks just like to stir up SHIT!!! :lucywow:

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