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Here's Lucy coming to Cozi-TV!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't see this thread or I wouldn't have started another one. I'm happy HL is coming to Cozi TV. Wondering when they will air it. They usually show 2 episodes of sitcoms so that's good. Just hope they don't show it at 7pm because that's when our local news airs in that time slight instead of Lassie, which currently airs on Cozi TV schedule. I think 6pm would be the best time slot. Lets see what happens.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

CoziTV will have a Here's Lucy marathon on Labor Day, September 1st. On their web site it says its an all day special but no other info given yet.

I was (and still am.... kind of) very excited. I knew that they would cut up the episodes, as they always do... but they are really terribly cut up. They just cut away odd parts.

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I was (and still am.... kind of) very excited. I knew that they would cut up the episodes, as they always do... but they are really terribly cut up. They just cut away odd parts.


Very odd cuts, indeed.  I was watching "Lucy's Working Daughter" the other day.  In the scene in the living room where Lucy has Kim practicing for her new job in the dress shop, she asks Craig to pretend to be a customer.  Craig protests, "a customer in a dress shop???"  Lucy tells him to pretend he's buying a dress for his wife.  "But I'm not married!"  "Then pretend you're buying a dress for your girlfriend, Elsie," Lucy  tells him.  Well they cut out the dialogue where Craig says he's not married, and Lucy tells him to, therefore, pretend he's buying for his girlfriend, Elsie.  So the way it played, Lucy tells Craig to pretend he's buying a dress for his wife, then he's immediately pretending to be a customer and talking about Elsie.  The way it comes across is that Craig is married to a woman named Elsie.  Someone watching the show who is new to it and not familiar with the characters would have been very confused.

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I haven't seen the HL shows on Cozi yet, will get to see some next week. I did hear the closing credits are gone. How is the opening - is it cut at all. I knew they shows would be chopped up -maybe its less than a 20 minute show now. At least they are being run somewhere (although I wish it was on ME-TV)

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