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The Facts of Life (1961) Coming to Blu-Ray March 31st 2015


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Got my Facts of Life Blu Ray today.   Ownership of these movies changes hands and somehow it ended up preceded by the MGM lion.   I've watched the first part of it.  Too bad it wasn't given the color treatment and the production values weren't a little higher (grainy stock footage of marlin; phoney looking rear screen of ocean).  Can't say I'm noticing the Oscar worthiness of the costumes.  They're certainly nice enough.   In answer to Lucy's question "Was I Lucy?  Was I Lucy?". No, you weren't.  You created a distinct character here.  As usual it's your quiet moments where you shine.   Opening credits look very similar to those of  "Critics Choice".  Another CC cross-over: the boy who plays her son looks an awful lot like "John" in CC.

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Got my Facts of Life Blu Ray today.   Ownership of these movies changes hands and somehow it ended up preceded by the MGM lion.   I've watched the first part of it.  Too bad it wasn't given the color treatment and the production values weren't a little higher (grainy stock footage of marlin; phoney looking rear screen of ocean).  Can't say I'm noticing the Oscar worthiness of the costumes.  They're certainly nice enough.   In answer to Lucy's question "Was I Lucy?  Was I Lucy?". No, you weren't.  You created a distinct character here.  As usual it's your quiet moments where you shine.   Opening credits look very similar to those of  "Critics Choice".  Another CC cross-over: the boy who plays her son looks an awful lot like "John" in CC.

Looks like i won't be getting this any time soon, i asked them at HMV and they said they couldn't order it for me.

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What is this hold this HMV place has on you and like you have no other options?? I just don't get it! :lucyeww:

I go there, pay and i'm done, ordering on the computer i dun't like to do as i do not want my credit info on the net, can't you understand that?  When beau lives with me here, he'll be taking care of ordering everything through E Bay, Amazon, whatever. 

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Not in this day and age.

Why?  You're saying it's totally safe to give my credit card number on the net?  Last time i gave it to beau for him to order some computer upgrades and stuff, i got charged about a thousand a month for three months in a row, so i finally cancelled the credit card.  Seems they go and add on charges for things all the time.  And put it on the card number you supplied.  THAT AIN'T EVER HAPPENING TO ME AGAIN!

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Why?  You're saying it's totally safe to give my credit card number on the net? 


No, but by this point I think it would be safe to entrust your credit card number to a reputable dealer like Amazon or Indigo. And, if you still don't want to do that, there's a way around. Buy yourself a Visa gift card and use that as your credit card number.

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No, but by this point I think it would be safe to entrust your credit card number to a reputable dealer like Amazon or Indigo. And, if you still don't want to do that, there's a way around. Buy yourself a Visa gift card and use that as your credit card number.

You smart cookies know all the angles, dun't ya?  THANKS, i think Joey or someone else suggested i do that a while back.  I dunno if i like myself enough to give myself a gift card though.

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For some legal reason, "Facts of Life" was unseen by the public between 1965 and 1996 when it was finally released on VHS.  The movie had 2 airings as part of ABC's Sunday Night Movie in the 64-65 season but was never sold to local stations.  I don't know that I've seen in its entirety since its VHS release.  Perhaps all the hype and award nominations (Golden Globe, NY Critics ) made my expectations too high, because in 1996 I thought it was good, not great.   Seeing it again after all these years, my opinion is higher:  it really is a good solid movie, according to Bob Hope biographers, his last good one.   There are plenty of Hope one-liners but they don't overpower the movie.   And Lucy is charming and sincere, deserving of the accolades she got.  Golden Globes (as I'm sure you know) have separate nomination for Comedy and Drama, but the NY Critics Circle had only 5 for both, same as Oscars; probably Lucy's most prestigious nomination in her movie career.


One odd shot: the one that has been seen most often when a clip of this movie is shown (included on the trailer).  Lucy walking out the cabin door and into the water.  It's really quite clumsy.  Certainly looks like a stunt double and it's the sort of thing Lucy herself would do gracefully.


Unbilled cameo: Hazel Pierce as Lucy's maid.  She gets one line.  And I'm sure Lucy's son is the same as in Critics Choice, though he has no lines and is unbilled, even in the extended imdb 'cast and crew' list.


The disc box says   " Bob Hope ("Road to Hong Kong") and Lucille Ball ("Yours Mine and Ours") appear as a couple......". I guess I can see if you're going to pick a Lucy movie, it would be YMO, but "Hong Kong" for Bob??   Isn't that the afterthought one done in 1961?   Didn't know until I read the recent Hope biography that there were serious plans to team Bob and Bing again  "Road to the Fountain of Youth" when Bing died in 1977.  I can't imagine it would have been a theatrical release, probably a TV movie.

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I don't see Kitty Weaver as "scatterbrained" nor do I think Lucy threw in too many Lucy Ricardo-isms.  Other than a couple of line readings (referring to rabbit meat she bought thinking it was chicken: "It was lying down!") there's very little Ricardo. All actors are similar film to film when portraying different characters.  "The characters seem too old ....(to have children this young)"  Well, maybe Hope at 57, but Lucy at 49, Ruth Hussey, also 49 and the baby of the group Don Defore at 47 are exactly the right age to have children the ages of the ones in the movie.   Lucy's own children were substantially younger.

In his insightful and well-written book "The RKO Gals", James Parrish makes this remark (without giving any examples) "There are the expected sight gags-- not as funny as before since both Lucy and Hope were showing distinct signs of aging"---which I always thought was an odd thing to say, especially the use of the word "distinct".

And I say, Lucy as Kitty Weaver looking forward to a romantic evening with Don Defore: "That's REAL acting"

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  • 3 weeks later...

According to the recent bob Hope biography," Facts of Life EARNED a healthy $3.2million at box office (I don't know if "earned"  means profit or gross box office receipts), more than any other Hope film since "7 Little Foys".which would place it for 1961 somewhere between "Breakfast at Tiffanys" #26 with $3.5mil and "Voyage to Bottom of the Sea" #42 with $2.3mil (I have a book that lists the top ten then sporadic rankings after that).  Pretty good for a movie with production values just slightly better than your average TV product. Unless the stars or director were getting big bucks, it couldn't have cost more than $1million, wouldn't you say?


The author gives Bob points for turning in a credible performance and not turning it into a Hope one-liner movie (he's forgetting Larry's description of Kitty "Milton Berle with bloomers"-which sounds exactly like a Hope writer gag), but says "Ball outshines him nearly all the way; indeed she exposes some of his limitations as a serious actor.  Every nuance of her character's conflicting emotions is registered in her animated face, body language and line readings."


This author, like others, cite "Facts of Life" as Hope's last good movie.  But I give him points for two scenes in Critics Choice, both between him and son John, #1: talking about keeping his self-respect by reviewing Angie's play and #2: when he gets angry at John, when he decides not to and John confronts him.   Although he loses those points with his unfunny and ludicrous drunk scene at the theater.  He does not do a believable or even comical drunk.


For whatever reason (they certainly couldn't have been making much money), he kept churning them out through the 60s; some of the worst comedies ever put on film.

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According to the recent bob Hope biography," Facts of Life EARNED a healthy $3.2million at box office (I don't know if "earned"  means profit or gross box office receipts), more than any other Hope film since "7 Little Foys".which would place it for 1961 somewhere between "Breakfast at Tiffanys" #26 with $3.5mil and "Voyage to Bottom of the Sea" #42 with $2.3mil (I have a book that lists the top ten then sporadic rankings after that).  Pretty good for a movie with production values just slightly better than your average TV product. Unless the stars or director were getting big bucks, it couldn't have cost more than $1million, wouldn't you say?


The author gives Bob points for turning in a credible performance and not turning it into a Hope one-liner movie (he's forgetting Larry's description of Kitty "Milton Berle with bloomers"-which sounds exactly like a Hope writer gag), but says "Ball outshines him nearly all the way; indeed she exposes some of his limitations as a serious actor.  Every nuance of her character's conflicting emotions is registered in her animated face, body language and line readings."


This author, like others, cite "Facts of Life" as Hope's last good movie.  But I give him points for two scenes in Critics Choice, both between him and son John, #1: talking about keeping his self-respect by reviewing Angie's play and #2: when he gets angry at John, when he decides not to and John confronts him.   Although he loses those points with his unfunny and ludicrous drunk scene at the theater.  He does not do a believable or even comical drunk.


For whatever reason (they certainly couldn't have been making much money), he kept churning them out through the 60s; some of the worst comedies ever put on film.

That was the only problem with Critic's Choice, too much comedy for Hope and not enough for Lucy.

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According to the recent bob Hope biography," Facts of Life EARNED a healthy $3.2million at box office (I don't know if "earned"  means profit or gross box office receipts), more than any other Hope film since "7 Little Foys".which would place it for 1961 somewhere between "Breakfast at Tiffanys" #26 with $3.5mil and "Voyage to Bottom of the Sea" #42 with $2.3mil (I have a book that lists the top ten then sporadic rankings after that).  Pretty good for a movie with production values just slightly better than your average TV product. Unless the stars or director were getting big bucks, it couldn't have cost more than $1million, wouldn't you say?


The author gives Bob points for turning in a credible performance and not turning it into a Hope one-liner movie (he's forgetting Larry's description of Kitty "Milton Berle with bloomers"-which sounds exactly like a Hope writer gag), but says "Ball outshines him nearly all the way; indeed she exposes some of his limitations as a serious actor.  Every nuance of her character's conflicting emotions is registered in her animated face, body language and line readings."


This author, like others, cite "Facts of Life" as Hope's last good movie.  But I give him points for two scenes in Critics Choice, both between him and son John, #1: talking about keeping his self-respect by reviewing Angie's play and #2: when he gets angry at John, when he decides not to and John confronts him.   Although he loses those points with his unfunny and ludicrous drunk scene at the theater.  He does not do a believable or even comical drunk.


For whatever reason (they certainly couldn't have been making much money), he kept churning them out through the 60s; some of the worst comedies ever put on film.

Weren't the grosses just pitiful back then, of course here, the entrance fee was like 85 cents until noon and then a whole buck 50 after that, and that was in '68 for Yours mine and whozitz.

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Are you an HMV stockholder or something??? :P

When MY favorite video store closed down after a decade or so, HMV is now the only game in town, three floors of dvds and Blu Rays in their megastore downtown.  So i want it to stay forever and encourage them whenever i can.  

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