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The Post-Journal, Jamestown NY, Region, Getting The Go-Ahead, Incentives To Renovate Lillian V. Ney Center Approved, by Jimmy McCarthy, “County incentives are on the way to support the development of Jamestown Brewing Co., [corner Washington, Third St.]. Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency [iDA] Bd/Dir, approved sales tax, mortgage recording tax incentives supporting inside renovations, façade enhancements to building, transforming it into a 3-floor brewery, restaurant.  Additional IDA business: contribution for feasibility study identifying infrastructure needs, cost(s) making train travel possible, for possible excursion train run between Jamestown, Buffalo;” published, 2017.

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Question of the Day:  "Do you think the Downtown Revitalization Initiative will generate more foot traffic downtown?"  [To give your answer, go to http://www.post-journal.com]


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Lt. Gov Announces DRI Projects, by Dennis Phillips, "Ten [10] projects selected by state officials: Redevelop Former Key Bank Building, Develop The Hilton Doubletree Hotel [$2.4 million], Jamestown Brewing Company, Improve Streetscape and Pedestrian Environment, Enhance Riverwalk Experience [$325,000], Implement an Excursion Train Infrastructure Support and Rail Depot Upgrades [$670,000]; Revitalize The Reg Lenna Center [$1.5 million]; Fund Downtown Programming, Improve Robert H. Jackson Center, and Lucille Ball Little Theater [$265,000];" published, 2017.




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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Lucy Comes Home Again, Icon's Visit Detailed In Book Authored By Jamestown Native, by Scott Kindberg, "8-millimeter film, transferred to video:  priceless.  Available on YouTube, it chronicles February 1956 Arnazes Jamestown arrival:  premiere, MGM, Forever Darling.  Chris Olsen, LA attorney, son, 1956 Homecoming Queen, (14,000+ votes were cast) Janice Swanson (Olsen), connects the dots courtesy of a photographic book journey, Lucy Comes Home to be released April 2018.  Tome includes 200-300 photographs.  Swanson returned to Jamestown LucyFest, 2006, 50th anniversary of Forever Darling. Release is anticipated, 4/26/18, 29th anniversary of Lucille's death;" [complete article:  The Post-Journal.com], published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, ​Community Bank Donates $5,000 to National Comedy Center, Lakewood, "Festival dollars donated for 8/3-6, event boasting a dozen venues, 50+ events;" published, 2017.

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Lucy Comes Home Again, Icon's Visit Detailed In Book Authored By Jamestown Native, by Scott Kindberg, "8-millimeter film, transferred to video:  priceless.  Available on YouTube, it chronicles February 1956 Arnazes Jamestown arrival:  premiere, MGM, Forever Darling.  Chris Olsen, LA attorney, son, 1956 Homecoming Queen, (14,000+ votes were cast) Janice Swanson (Olsen), connects the dots courtesy of a photographic book journey, Lucy Comes Home to be released April 2018.  Tome includes 200-300 photographs.  Swanson returned to Jamestown LucyFest, 2006, 50th anniversary of Forever Darling. Release is anticipated, 4/26/18, 29th anniversary of Lucille's death;" [complete article:  The Post-Journal.com], published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, ​Community Bank Donates $5,000 to National Comedy Center, Lakewood, "Festival dollars donated for 8/3-6, event boasting a dozen venues, 50+ events;" published, 2017.



This book sounds fantastic. 200-300 photos, wonderful, wonderful.


Here's the full article.



How exciting! Can't wait to see this. :HALKING: :HALKING:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Decision Reversed:  State Appellate Division Rules Against Zoning Board on Sheldon House, by Dennis Phillips, "Decision of Jamestown Zoning Board of Appeals granting variance request  by Lynn Development for offices at Sheldon House has been annulled;" published, 2017.


​STAY TUNED.... :fabrary: 

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June 18, 2017:


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, ​Jamestown High School Announces 6/22/2017 Commencement Speaker, " Chris Olsen, author, 'Lucy Comes Home;' prestigious LA attorney; son, 1956 Homecoming Queen, Janice Swanson (Olsen), Chris, a 1982 graduate, JHS; now LA resident; keynote speaker; holding many impressive 'other credentials;'" [see: The Post-Journal.com for complete article];  [see photo book information, June 4, my posting]; published, 2017.




The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Chautauqua Region ​Community Foundation Awards $135,000 To Local Organizations, "Reg Lenna Center for the Arts is one of the beneficiaries of a portion of this money;" published, 2017.

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Awaiting reply from Post-Journal to this a.m. e-mail requesting info on Sheldon Hall; don't hold your breath.  The specific reporter, D. Phillips, e-address came back to me as undeliverable; e-'d the editor; if that fails, I shall call. :fabrary: 

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Awaiting reply from Post-Journal to this a.m. e-mail requesting info on Sheldon Hall; don't hold your breath.  The specific reporter, D. Phillips, e-address came back to me as undeliverable; e-'d the editor; if that fails, I shall call. :fabrary:


Awaiting call, and/or e-mail from P-J, which has NOT come; called the Sheldon Foundation, which, of course, is the entity that donated the HOUSE to Jamestown Community College, which NOW wants to sell.  The Foundation 'assumes' since the court of appeals  has denied Lynn from buying for corporate offices, the HOUSE will go back on the selling block, as:  RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; I'll  keep you posted....JK

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June 21, 2017


The Post-Journal, Jamestown NY, Lynn Development Withdraws Sheldon House Purchase, by Dennis Phillips, “Future, Sheldon House [site: many L-D Center after-hours celebrity meet, greets] still unknown; but, will not house Lynn Development corporate offices; after Appeals Division ruling against Jamestown Zoning Board decision of approval; and appeal by neighbors of residential area;” [article shortened by Kellogg] published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown NY, Readers' Forum, Lynn Development to Acquiesce Court Ruling, "LD, Inc., its owners, exec. team, team members thank Jamestown Community College, City of Jamestown Zoning Bd., and numerous supporters of efforts to secure the historic Sheldon House.  Friday 6/16/2017, LD, I learned City Zoning Board Approval was overturned by Appellate Div., 4th Dept., Supreme Ct., NYState.  For over a year, we've watched our attempt to acquire historic home realize success at each subsequent level, each time validating the wisdom of local zoning.  While latest decision was unexpected, we respect decision and find no honor in continuing this effort at ongoing expense of our beloved community college.  Therefore, LD, I will acquiesce for greater good. We hold no ill will towards petitioners; it's entirely American to follow passion challenging things for which you are in disagreement. We wish petitioners good fortune continuing efforts to reshape the landscape of Lakeview Avenue. To our supporters, your passion inspires us; we'll not forget your strength in future endeavors. 'Destiny waits in the hand of god, shaping the still unshapen;' - T.S.Eliot - sincerely, Jason S. Spain, Prez/CEO, LD, Inc;" published, 2017.
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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Bidder For Sheldon House To Try Again, Dennis Phillips, "One of the bidders, private citizen, says he will try again.  He say he 'most certainly' will bid again when he has a chance. Since January 2016, JCC (owner, property) approval  purchase of Lynn; May 2016, city Zoning Board approved Lynn Development purchase for corporate offices;  3 local residents appealed use variance to state Supreme Court, which upheld Zoning Board approval sale; August 2016, residents appealed decision to Appellate Division 4th Judicial Dept., Supreme Court, which overturned last week.  Original resident offered $200,000; Lynn offered $240,000;" published, 2017. 


[sTAY TUNED . . .]

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Readers Forum, Sheldon House Sale Is Key Event For Neighborhood, [Kellogg:  "it seems to me politics is rearing its head; stay tuned; shortened for effect;" article is written by man named who was 'other party' to Lynn Development in original purchase:  $200,000 to $240,000 (Lynn)], "'I am most certainly going to bid again; going to save it before it goes to pot.  It takes a lot of funding to restore a house like this.'  (Lynn Group estimated at its PR presentation estimated needed reinvestment between $600-800,000 to revitalize.) 'I took tradesmen through property; now estimate at least $150-200,000 to restore it for residential use; would probably sell for $300,000 mint condition in our neighborhood; have so far invested $5,000 and 60 hours of time into proposals, planning; and may lose significant money on this investment as JCC (owner) has listed its intention, auditing buyer renovations; holding them accountable to meet timelines with threat of contractual allowance to repossess house without returning money if work not done to its standard; buyer also agrees to essentially write blank check to have work redone to JCC standard as I understand 4th, 5th points on App. A - if you miss deadline it gets the house; keeps the purchase price; keeps the investment in renovation and has funding and legal allowance to finish renovations at buyer expense.  I still intend to buy at fair market value (not appraisal based on properties in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, or Corning).  Hopefully, JCC does not continue to show my hand by publishing future bids; an obvious invasion of my privacy and rude way of increase bidding at my expense.  We will see in next few months;'" published, 2017.

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Council Endorses Grant Applications, by Dennis Phillips, "Jamestown City Council approved submission of 5 Consolidated Funding Applications for latest round of funding through State Regional Economic Development Council program.  One, among other downtown improvements, is: Parnering with Gebbie Foundation and Jamestown Renaissance Corp., creates a 'cobblestone' public piazza between Jefferson, Washington Sts., around Northwest Arena and NCC; to be closed to traffic during events at the arena or NCC;" published, 2017. 

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, City To Not Challenge Overturned Use Variance, by Dennis Phillips, "Jamestown will not challenge Appellate 4th Supreme Court/Rochester, June 2017.  Mayor: 'The City, however, will be paying attention to what happens to the Sheldon House as process continues to find an owner; and have utmost regard and concern for the property.'  Zoning Board grant to Lynn Development, JCC sale. Pertinent dates to archiveSheldon House built as residence, 1869; rebuilt, 1925. 1977, House bequeathed to college by Julia Sheldon Livengood; since that time, used to host many guests of college, events, programs of both college and community. 1/2016, JCC approves 2 purchase offers:  Lynn Development, $240,000, use as corporate office space; private Jamestown resident, $200,000; Zoning Board, 5/2016 approves use variance.  3 local residents of neighborhood appeal variance to County Supreme Court; 8/2016, Judge dismisses resident(s) appeal; upholds use variance; residents then appeal to State Appellate/Rochester, NY, which overturns variance and acquisition by Lynn; Lynn then steps away from project;" [shortened for effect; see above saga; say tuned...], published, 2017.

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, No Excuses:  County Lists 50 'Things To Do', by Jordan W. Patterson, "The County Visitors Bureau recently released list of '50 Free, Low-Cost Things to Do in Chautauqua County this Summer.'  This list included events around area and historical sites to see;" published, 2017.  [article shortened for effect; but, One of which, is 'our girl' statue, Lucille Ball Memorial Park.]

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, McCrea Point Par Festival At The Boat Landing and Park Rededication Announced, "City Riverfront Management Council and Parks, Recreation and Conservation Dept., announce re-dedication of McCrea Point Park  and the Municipal Boat Landing, as part of Greater Jamestown Riverwalk  Saturday, 7/8 with day-long festivities.  The $475,000  refurbishment of Park includes paved pathways around perimeter; new playground; refurbished municipal boat landing, improved parking areas; combines with the Chautauqua County pedestrian trail along Jones & Gifford and future bike path from Clifton Avenue ending at McCrea Point and nexus of activity for Greater Jamestown Riverwalk;" [see: 7/16,23/1749; 9/15/1797; 6/1/1812; 10/1/1859; 5/18/1894; 10/1/2004; 8/9/2013; 10/14,16/13; 12/12/13; 1/13,17,22/2014; 3/2/14; 4/14,19/14; 5/15/14; 7/16/14; 8/3,6,8,9,11,26/14; 9/9/14; 10/22,28/14; 12/2,12,18,27,30/14; 1/10/2015; 3/4,6,7,19,28/15; 6/11,24,26,28/15; 7/3, 11/15; 8/12,18,19,29/15; 9/22/15; 10/3,6,9,28/15; 1/18/2016; 2/21/16; 3/2/16; 7/4,7/16; 3,16,18/2017; 6/30; 7/4/17];” published, 2017.

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Panzarella Park, Trails Closed Due to Construction, "North, south trails, Greater Jamestown Riverwalk, Central Business District, closed until further notice. Work has begun on pedestrian bridges spanning Chadakoin River linking north, south Riverwalk trails. 10/2014, $1.6 million funding, $2 million project slated for completion fall, 2018;" published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Hotel Construction Underway Along Chautauqua Lake Shores, by Jimmy McCarthy, Celoron, Construction $30.8 million hotel progressing southwestern edge, Chautauqua Lake. 135-room Chautauqua Harbor Hotel, Krog Corp., subsidiary, Hart Hotels, planned since 2014; features patios, views of Lake, bar, grill along water; indoor, outdoor pools; state-of-art fitness center, ballroom w/300 capacity, 3rd waterfront NYS hotel. Website: www.thechautauquaharborhotel.com;" [see: 7/16,23/1749; 9/15/1797; 6/1/1812; 10/1/1859; 5/18/1894; 10/1/2004; 8/9,18/2013; 10/14,16/13; 12/12/13; 1/13,17,22/2014; 3/2/14; 4/14,19/14; 5/15/14; 7/16/14; 8/3,6,8,9,11,26/14; 9/9/14; 10/22,28/14; 12/2,12,18,27,30/14; 1/10/2015; 3/4,6,19,28/15; 6/11,24,26,28/15; 7/3,11/15; 8/12,18,19,29/15; 9/22/15; 10/3,6,9,28/15; 1/18/2016; 2/21/16; 3/2,16/16; 7/4,/16; 3/5,16,18,31/2017; 6/30/17; 7/4/17]; .published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, McCrea Point Festival To Show Off Park Enhancements, by Dennis Phillips, "Food, fun, music. highlight 1st McCrea Point Festival at Boat Landing Saturday. City of Jamestown Riverfront Management Council Parks Recreation and Conservation Department host. Day-long festivities begin w/re-dedication ceremony, 9 am; w/walking path; pavilion w/picnic tables, launching facility for boats, kayaks, canoes. Project commenced 12/2013, Phase VI, Riverwalk, w/receipt of $499,955 fr/NYState;" published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Riverwalk Trails, Pedestrian Bridges Being Added This Year, by Dennis Phillips, "2 new trails; 2 pedestrian bridges added this year to Greater Jamestown Riverwalk; work continuing, Phase V, Chadakoin Park trail/bike path between McCrea Point Park and Clifton Ave.. On completion, section of Riverwalk project w/blacktop bike, pedestrian path over railroad bed along Chadakoin fr/W. 8th to Clifton. State Environmental Protection Fund grant, $262,581 matched by city w/labor, materials, equipment. Another trail connecting w/Riverwalk, The Lucy Trail, completed by Chautauqua County Public Facilities Dept. earlier this year, runs between McCrea and Lucille Ball Memorial Park;” [see above for connecting dates]; published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Question, Day: “Will you attend the McCrea Point Festival Saturday?” published, 2017.

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Forward Focused, DRI Projects On Schedule Despite Less Funding Than Expected, by Dennis Phillips, “Downtown Revitalization Initiative projects receiving less funding than requested are moving forward. The Jamestown Brewing Co., [2d/Washington, 1 block north, NCC], projected opening, 1st quarter 2018;” published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Question, Day [7/7/17]: “Will you attend the McCrea Point Festival Saturday? YES 9% NO 91%;” published, 2017.

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July 8-10, 2017:


7/8:  The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, A Lakewood Lens, New Celoron Hotel Is A Game Changer, Margot Russell, "I agree w/County Exec. Horrigan, the new hotel is 'a game changer.' People have wondered years why Chautauqua Lake has not had a modern resort-style hotel along its shores, given our geographical proximity to large northeastern cities; beauty of lake and its popularity.The hotel being built on Celoron shores: right hotel at right time. The design incorporates lake; with arched bridge connecting a pavilion-type structure on-island to house Lakeview Grille and Bar, style harbor-like, as developer, 4 'other' Harbor Hotels boasting upscale design along various waterfronts, northeast US; 3 in NYState; 1, Portland, Maine, the 1st. Details, artists' rendering: www.chautauquaharborhotel.com;" published, 2017.



7/9: The Sunday Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Region, Staying On Point, McCrea Point Festival Highlights History, Community, by Katrina Fuller, "Ribbon-cutting ceremony, McCrea Point Park, Saturday for rededication. Officials; attendees dressed in period costumes posed for photo at Park. City/Jamestown, Jamestown Riverfront Management Council, Parks, Recreation and Conservation Dept., hosted 1st McCrea Point Festival, Municipal Boat Landing. Bill Stevenson, City Riverfront Management Council chair, opened ceremonies, Sheryl McCrea, family representative on-hand for deceased grandparents who previously owned property;" published, 2017.


The Sunday Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Funding Falter, Carl Paladino: 'I can only assume rejection has something to do w/politics. That is very unfortunate for people of city of Jamestown.' Paladino Questions Denial of State Funds for City DRI Project, by Dennis Phillips, "Paladino, Buffalo businessman investor in former Furniture Mart Building, corner opposite NCC, Washington/2d Sts., The Mart and adjacent acquisition of riverfront development property sought DRI funding; but, were unsuccessful. Project was introduced to local foundations whose mission is to rejuvenate downtown Jamestown. Plans are still being pursued;" published, 2017.




7/10: The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, National Comedy Center Project Will Receive More Than $9M In State Funding, NCC $25M Capital Campaign, by Dennis Phillips, "35%+ NCC funding comes fr/state funds. NYState has provided funds 3 consecutive years through State Regional Economic Development Council. NCC officials say ‘if all construction aspects stay on schedule, a 'soft opening' for NCC may occur Memorial Day 2018, w/grand opening Lucille Ball Comedy Festival, August, 2018;’" published, 2017.

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