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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY,  JURA Acquires Riverfront Property From County, by Dennis Phillips, "The Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency acquired Steele St. property near Chadakoin River for conservation/clean-up purposes: for control; possible future development near Greater Jamestown Riverwalk  walking path;" published, 2016.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY,  Region, All Aboard, Trolley To Be On Display Prior To Moving, by Dennis Phillips, "An important piece of Jamestown rail history available for last time at Jamestown Gateway Train Station, before moving, to make way for east end of Station; location of Comedy Center interactive exhibit.  The 'move' will pass Fenton Mansion; cross Willard, Allen Streets; where #93, the last trolley to run Willard when Jamestown Street Railway ceased operation 1938, 78 years ago;" published, 2016. 


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Sorry; fell down on the job; next is from October 29, 2016:


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY,  On The Move, Restored Trolley Car No. 93 Relocated From Train Station, by Dennis Phillips, "On Wednesday, a Jamestown Street Railway Trolley Car travelled downtown for the first time in 78 years; but, on a trailer; not picking up/dropping off passengers; a sight few have seen; was being moved from Jamestown Gateway Train Station to ​Ideal Coatings, N. Main Ext., Falconer, for temporarily housing, after residing in a couple other locations over the years, in Lackawanna Railroad Station, ​being restored; but, needing to be re-located making room for future location of Comedy Center interactive exhibits.  Trolley restoration began 1996; work REALLY began in 2014;" published, 2016.

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Not Post-Journal related; this is a cry for tekkie assistance:


​I have my chronology on a flash drive; yesterday, went in to send a friend her birthday and what Lucy was doing on HER day; changed the name from 2January to January; saved; now, it shows the new name in recent usage; but, says the file is NOT there.  I deleted the 2January one; but, it is not in re-cycle bin. 


Not wanting to go through a bunch of stuff like "GO BACK TO THE DATE YOU KNEW IT WAS THERE", can anyone out there tell me how to 'FIND' the month of January on that flash drive????  Thanks.  This is maddening! 

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Brock:  I KNOW I've read that relatives, (of whom there are many Balls and Hunts around) lived somewhere ELSE in Chautauqua County; so, entirely possible it's Charlotte Center (north county, near Fredonia - 29 miles from Jamestown); I am on the trail of the 'poop'; I'll be in touch; meanwhile, I KNOW you will read my reply to luvs....  Loving you, JK :fabrary:   STAY TUNED.............


STILL haven't had a 'sit-down' with the source of the Charlotte Center information; but, had a couple short conversations with her about 'birth/death' date of her relative who insisted Lucille was born 'next door'; turns out to be 'in the neighborhood' and he 'heard about it'; but, the family is adamant all this is true!  Now, I'm wondering; she has NO DATES of birth/date of her 'grandfather, I believe'; has no other information; no living relatives who REALLY KNOW, etc.; but, what she has been brought up 'hearing' and obviously, believing!  Keeping you informed as I question her further.  JK :fabrary: 

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Funding Fruition, Comedy Center To Use State Aid on Construction, Screens, by Dennis Phillips, "An additional $834,000 in funding from NYS will be going toward the NCC project.  Funds rewarded through the Regional Economic Development Councils.  Western NY received $62 million toward projects:  $1.5 million, 2014; $2.25 million, 2015; this year's award included $600 thousand in gap funding toward general construction of facility; remainder, $234 thousand toward two large digital screens and hologram theater projection system;" published, 2016.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY,  Regional, Grape Discovery Center, Celoron Park Revamp To Receive Assistance, by Jimmy McCarthy, "A number of tourism and water quality projects in Chautauqua County part of this year's state grant application process; part of State Consolidated Funding Application processes.  Second phase of construction improving Lucille Ball Memorial Park, $354 thousand.  Projects in Celoron continue to score big after Chautauqua Harbor Hotel received $200+ thousand last year.  Funds granted for the Park go to improvements including soil stabilization, new breakwall, waterfront trail and kayak and canoe launch;" published, 2016. 

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, 'Not Going To Derail Us', Projects Not Funded With Latest Grants Have Other Revenue Sources, by Dennis Phillips,  "Unknown if the city receiving $10 million in August from State, the 4 granted:  NCC project. and others; the restoration of the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, not rewarded; but, the Center had developed a backup plan; and will move forward;" published, 2016.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY,  Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce, by Todd Tranum, Encouraging News for NRG Repowering . . . plus; "Popular Doors Open Jamestown will be back in 2017, on Saturday, January 21: participants offering special hours and restaurant and gift shop specials;" published, 2016. 

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December 22, 23, 2016:


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Question Of The Day, “Do You Plan To See Gaffigan At Next Year's Comedy Festival? published, 2016.     YES 18%  NO  82%


[My comment here:  Should NOT be news to anyone here, either;  Jamestowner's simply do not support Lucille Ball;


but, unlike some opinions on this Lounge, which surprise me, The National Comedy Center is a great dream (of Lucille's)  and a great plan; and yes, Martha, there ARE tourists who come to Western New York AND Chautauqua County year round!!!!!!!]  JK :fabrary: 

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December 22, 23, 2016:


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Question Of The Day, “Do You Plan To See Gaffigan At Next Year's Comedy Festival?” published, 2016. YES 18% NO 82%


[My comment here: Should NOT be news to anyone here, either; Jamestowner's simply do not support Lucille Ball;


but, unlike some opinions on this Lounge, which surprise me, The National Comedy Center is a great dream (of Lucille's) and a great plan; and yes, Martha, there ARE tourists who come to Western New York AND Chautauqua County year round!!!!!!!] JK :fabrary:

Something to promote new comics and a way for them to succeed as she did was Lucy's vision, not exactly the way Journey is going about it though. Ms. Gunduhrrrson cares more for rubbing elbows with the rich and famous than she does about preserving Lucy's legacy or vision, in my opinion (and a certain someone else's which is why I felt compelled to write something here). Hehe
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This is VERY MYSTERIOUS, ominous, really, to me; but, seems just repeat of earlier December articles appearing in a second article, 1/3/2017, of several highlighting what's to come in 2017.



The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, 2017, Comedy Festival To Include Jim Gaffigan, by Gavin Paterniti, "A popular summer venue looks to keep momentum going in 2017.  Officials have confirmed presently under construction NCC will not be open for 2017 Festival; but Jim Gaffigan will perform at Northwest Arena, August 3;" published, 2017.

The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, NCC Construction To Continue In 2017, [2nd in article series highlighting what to come in 2017, by Dennis Phillips, "Constuction continues of build-out of what is the BPU building; addition of exterior screens and patio along 2nd St., [see details in article December, 2016];" published, 2017.
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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Chautauqua County Chamber, Commerce, Todd Tranum, President, CEO, Exec. Director, Manufacturers Association, Southern Tier, “There are many good and positive things happening across Western NY. We are enthused about investments made by NYS through Cuomo leadership, encouraging private sector participation; particularly appreciative of additional investment of $5 million funding helping NCC close the funding gap;" published, 2017.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY,  County Executive Pleased With Governor's Local Initiatives, by Jimmy McCarthy, "'Focus on Upstate NY and WNY is positive.' County Executive Horrigan is particularly excited to see the governor's proposal to fund a $5 million  gap for the NCC project.  'The project is not only important to the state; but a game-changer to county and City of Jamestown;'" published, 2017.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Editorial Page, Revitalization Won't Happen Overnight, by James Bliss, "Last week, The Post-Journal asked readers whether or not the NCC would become a catalyst for downtown revitalization. Sadly, by a margin of 68-32% readers said that it would not.  Is this not a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure?  There is no greater assurance of failure than a negative attitude suppressing chance for success. If, in striving for improvement, we are convinced of our failure, failure is sure to result.'[blah, blah, blah**] 'The specifics of Jamestown Renaissance Corporation, (a private-public partnership, led by a 14-member Board/Directors, a small staff of employees; is charged with the lofty task of revitalizing downtown area and neighboring communities; not a simple matter); includes the completion of the NCC, and improving the aesthetics of downtown, and all other revitalization of Jamestown and area:  finding businesses; aiding businesses, restructuring and redeveloping commercial, residential neighborhoods. JRC has a role in each and all of these.  Naysayers all too often are willing to voice criticisms. These naysayers also do not become involved. We all will benefit and the quicker and more pronounced our community's 'renaissance' will be;" published, 2017.

** As MY readers must know from past surveys, this person does not seek actual numbers of folks responding.  This should be taken with a grain of salt, please...JRKellogg, leenorman


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, JRC, Jamestown Up Close To Soon Release Exciting Video, by Lillian Ney, co-chair JRC, "Are you ready to feel better about our city?  Be sure to check out newly-released promotional video 'Hello, Jamestown, NY' at www.jamestownupclose.com. You may also learn more about the organization(s) by joining their Facebook page;" published, 2017.


Each article is shortened by me to include highlights and facts as stated.  JRK :fabrary: 

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, City Officials Working Toward Train Depot Station by Dennis Phillips,  "A train depot is needed if a Jamestown excursion train travel is possible.  City Officials now working to turn former engine building, w of Jamestown Gateway Train Station will become a train depot.  Jamestown Area Railway Heritage Center committee now working to improve area around former engine building, having fallen into disgraceful disrepair;" published, 2017.

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Tickets for Jim Gaffigan Show Go On Sale Thursday, 1/19

Performance, August 3, Northwest Arena,  "lucycomedyfest.com ;" published, 2017.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Downtown Revitalization Committee Closer To Project Selections, by Dennis Phillips,  "The Jamestown Downtown Revitalization Initiative Local Planning Committee is one step closer to finalizing a list of projects to receive a portion of $10 million in state funding. Committee has heard presentations from stakeholders involved with each project and has met to further discuss each project.  The list was narrowed to 15, considering feedback from the first 2 public community meetings in November, December. These 15 have a total preliminary figure of more than $27 million, which needed to be cut between $9.7 million-$15 million. NCC gap funding is included in the mix.  Next public meeting scheduled for 2/16, where priority projects will be revealed before finalizing the Committee Plan; For info:  ny.gov/downtown-revitalization-initiative/western-new-york-jamestown; published, 2017.

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, "Altogether, 12 projects were selected totaling $13,820,000." The DRI Dozen, Downtown Revitalization Initiative Projects Announced, by Dennis Phillips, "Local Planning Committee started selection process with list of 100+ projects; narrowed to 87; then, to 36; now, to final 12, selected;* to be submitted to State late this month. Projects not making the list** will be included priority in Strategic Investment Plan report submitted to the stateList projects:  former Key Bank Bldg, $1M; downtown programming, activities, $600 thousand; excursion train infrastructure, depot, $670 thousand; Hilton Double Tree Hotel refurbishment, $3.450M; Greater Jamestown Riverwalk enhancements, $325 thousand; streetscape, pedestrian improvements, $610 thousand; revitalization, Reg Lenna Center, Arts, $1.5M; Jamestown Brewing Co., development, $1M; Lucille Ball Little Theater upgrades, $265 thousand; Furniture Mart Bldg redevelopment, $1.5M; RHJackson Center upgrades, $1.5M; acquire riverfront development property to facilitate development, $1.4M; For info:  ny.gov/downtown-revitalization-initiative/western-new-york-jamestown;" published, 2017.



*(spokesperson says committee encouraged to select projects totaling more than $10M, in case changes occur after finalizing list.)


[**NCC, glaringly absent, for instance: this, added by jk]

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February 21, 2017:


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Glimpse Into The Future, 12 City Projects Look To Make An Impact, by Dennis Phillips, "The local plan to use $10 Million to transform downtown Jamestown has been completed.  These 12:  Redevelop former Key Bank Building; Develop Hilton Doubletree Hotel; Jamestown Brewing Co.; Redevelop Furniture Mart Bldg.; Improve Streetscape & Pedestrian Environment; Enhance Riverwalk Experience and Acquire Riverwalk Development Property; Implement Excursion Train Infrastrucure Support, Rail Depot Upgrades; Revitalize Reg Lenna Center; Fund Downtown Programming; Improve Robt. H. Jackson Center; Lucille Ball Little Theater;" published, 2017.


February 25, 2017:


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, ​Trees Cleared For Much-Anticipated Harbor Hotel Project, by Jimmy McCarthy, Celoron, "The land is clear for the coming Chautauqua Harbor Hotel. Lakefront, juncture, N. Allegheny Ave., Duquesne St., & Dunham Ave., scheduled opening: spring, 2018.  $30.8 million project, Buffalo Hart Hotels project, 130 guest rooms; banquet facility, pools and bar/cocktail lounge, among other amenities; the 3rd in NYS; Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel, $14M, 2008, voted USA Today best waterfront hotel in country; 2014, Thousand Islands Harbor Hotel, along St. Lawrence River, 105 deluxe guest rooms/suites;" published, 2017.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, ​Industry Incentive, PILOT Programs Have Largely Increased Workforce, by Jimmy McCarthy, "Projects include:  DoubleTree by Hilton (old Holiday Inn) downtown; and Chautauqua Harbor Hotel, Celoron; a tourism destination PILOT from Chautauqua County IDA; all increasing area workforce," published, 2017.

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I can't picture where they Chautauqua Harbour Hotel is going. Isn't that a few steps from the Memorial Park?


Indeed, love; picture in your mind the lighthouse [west side DunhamAvetotheLake]; then, keep going WEST, toward what was a wooded-swampland for many years, lakefront; the OLD CELORON PARK ballpark (historical); now Ellicott Shores [where I lived 20.5 years]; to the western-most point; the old Celoron Park ghost alley in MY childhood days [helluva long time ago, donchano!!!!]; site:  old wooden rollercoaster along the lakefront; that's it, the swamp, woods [gone now]; lakefront facing north (across the Lake); you got it!!!!!  Itsagonna be great for Celoron; Lucy fans; and EVERYONE else.  Oh, yes, not to leave out the Celoron Moose Club; just west of its west-facing parking lot [rear/buildingwest].... :fabrary:   P.S.  scheduled opening, spring 2018; year of July/August open/National Comedy Center!!!!  Should be available for occupation; watch for announcement of availability; hope ALL Lucy fans take part in her precious former 'summer home' Celoron Park, now Lucille Ball Memorial Park!!!!!!!!  jk

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So, it is west of the Moose Club closer to the lake?


Yes, sir, right on the Lakefront; picture yourself standing, facing the Moose Club, which is actually west corner of Dunham; you will look to the Moose RIGHT; lakefront, in that huge lot between Moose and Ellicott Shores; all that land is/was CELORON PARK; now, of course, Lucille Ball Memorial Park.  Ellicott Shores apartments were built on the area of the old wooden lakefront roller coaster; and the Ball Field where Babe Ruth hit one out mid-Lake in the 20's!!!!  Ghost Alley and the Merry Go-Round and other rides were located over there, as well in the 40s, 50s......  The island is going to be developed, I've heard, also, by the Harbor Hotel complex; going to be the best thing happened ever to Celoron since the Park went away!!


Forgot something:  immediately behind and north side, Moose Club was entrance to the Park; and our beloved Huge Roller Skateland, where thousands of children 'grew up' in the late 40s, 50s, burned mid-60s.  [remind me when I see you this year to share the Celoron Park on Chautauqua Lake Book, by Tom Goodwill]  It's a wonderful little book; and has it all .... great reference material;  we really WERE THE historical location in this region from the turn of the 20th century, early 1900s for 50-60 years.  My dad's youth; his mother's youth; and my youth; oh, yes, and Lucille's youth.... 

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Council Moves on Riverbed Purchase for Walking Bridges, by Dennis Phillips, “Jamestown City Council started process to become owners of riverbed along Chadakoin River where 2 pedestrian bridges will be installed along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk later this year.  City has received $1.6 million in 2014 to construct the 2 bridges, a $2 million project; Bridges: one from Panzarella Park to Riverwalk's north shore extension; second, below Washington Street Bridge, connecting both sections of Riverwalk running along the River, pedestrians having more options for crossing the River; to be completed by end of 2017;" published, 2017.


The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, ​Occupied Space, Developers, Officials Break Ground on Chautauqua Harbor Hotel, by Jimmy McCarthy, "Construction is slated next month for the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel, with first shovel in the ground Monday. Construction will begin in 2 to 3 weeks; scheduled opening: spring, summer, 2018.  $30.8 million project, Buffalo Hart Hotels project, 130 guest rooms; banquet facility, pools and bar/cocktail lounge, among other amenities; Hart's 3rd waterfront hotel in NYS;" published, 2017.

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, Jamestown Brewing Co. Approved for Loan, by Dennis Phillips, "Jamestown Brewing Co., will be opening along 3rd/Washington Sts., this year.  Jamestown Local Development Corporation approved $180 thou. jobs, private investment JBC loan.  Projected $1 million costs; ultimately $4,835,760 to transform the 3-story brewery/restaurant [280 total seating; ground level:  104 dining seats; 18 bar seating; 2 tasting areas, one at bar; another, 18 viewing area seats]; outdoor patio deck/seating/100; employing 24; 8 full-time; 16 part-time; serving pub food, high-end menu items, and beer distributed in the form of growlers and kegs; expected to open by October;" published, 2017.

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Getting caught up on my back stories from the P-J:


March 5, 2017


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Editorial Page, DRI Alone Won’t Save Downtown, “Major projects included in Jamestown Downtown Revitalization Initiative Plan submitted to NYS has lofty visions for several currently under-utilized properties. Plan requires state approval: Key Bank Building, Furniture Mart Building, Riverwalk additional property, Hilton Doubletree Hotel, Brewing Company, Reg Lenna Center, Robert H. Jackson Center and Lucille Ball Little Theatre improvements. Only time will tell if the Plan ends with good use of State dollars. National Comedy Center itself is planned to bring more foot traffic downtown; and downtown business owners are expected to step up their game creating atmosphere drawing people with no interest in comedy, as well;” [see 7/16,23/1749; 9/15/1797; 6/1/1812; 10/1/1859; 5/18/1894; 10/1/2004; 8/9/2013; 10/14,16/13; 12/12/13; 1/13,17,22/2014; 3/2/14; 4/14,19/14; 5/15/14; 7/16/14; 8/3,6,8,9,11,26/14; 9/9/14; 10/22,28/14; 12/2,12,18,27,30/14; 1/10/2015; 3/4,6,7,19,28/15; 6/11,24,26,28/15; 7/3, 11/15; 8/12,18,19,29/15; 9/22/15; 10/3,6,9,28/15; 1/18/2016; 2/21/16; 3/2/16; 7/4,7/16; 3,16,18/2017];published, 2017.


March 16, 2017


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Chautauqua Profiles Page, [one of three near full-page articles/photos/maps]: City, County Leaders Look To The Future, ‘The process has worked extremely well to this point. The Greater Jamestown Riverwalk is up for enhancements totaling $325 thousand. Everything has unfolded as we were told. (We) hope that doesn’t change.’ by Dennis Phillips, “Possibility of an award of $20 million to invigorate government efficiency, $10 million to reinvigorate downtown Jamestown and Lake Erie, Dunkirk, NY [35 miles north of Jamestown] just few projects on horizon for Chautauqua County; [see connecting information: 7/16,23/1749; 9/15/1797; 6/1/1812; 10/1/1859; 5/18/1894; 10/1/2004; 8/9,18/2013; 10/14,16/13; 12/12/13; 1/13,17,22/2014; 3/2/14; 4/14,19/14; 5/15/14; 7/16/14; 8/3,6,8,9,11/14; 9/9/14; 10/22,28/14; 12/2,12,18,27,30/14; 1/10/2015; 3/4,6,7,19,28/15; 6/11,24,26,28/15; 7/3,11/15; 8/12,18,19,29/15; 9/22/15; 10/3,6,9,28/15; 1/18/2016; 2/21/16; 3/2/16; 7/4,7/16; 3/5,16/2017]; published, 2017.


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Chautauqua Profiles Page, [one of three near full-page articles]: “City Riverfront Continues to See Development, by Dennis Phillips, “The Chadakoin Riverfront has seen several developments recent years; continues to see growth, with 6 Riverfront construction phases already completed and/or continue this year;” [see above dates of importance]; published, 2017.


March 18, 2017


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Editorial Page, Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down column, “Thumbs Up to 3 foundations contributing toward renovations to Reg Lenna Center for the Arts: Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation; Gebbie Foundation, Lenna Foundation have contributed, in total, $3.250 million thus far for the $4 million project;” published, 2017.

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The Post Journal, Jamestown NY, City Council Discusses Riverwalk Pedestrian Bridges, by Dennis Phillips, “Construction should be starting soon on the two prefabricated pedestrian bridges crossing the Chadakoin River along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk.  Council is pleased with bidding process which came in under the city engineer's estimate for the work.  [RECAP from prior article:  City has received $1.6 million, 2014 for 2 bridges, $2 million project; Bridges: one from Panzarella Park to Riverwalk's north shore extension; second, below Washington St. Bridge, connecting both Riverwalk sections running along River, to be completed by end of 2017];" published, 2017.

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May 13, 2017:


The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY, Question of the Day:  "Will you see a headlining act at this years Lucille Ball Comedy Fest?"  [To give your answer, go to http://www.post-journal.com]


Wonder if the P-J would have a heart attack if each time there's a question of the day regarding Lucille, each of us here, replies?  Wouldn't THAT be FUN????  Just sayin'....

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The Post-Journal, Jamestown NY, JURA Approves Funding For New Reg Lenna Marquee, by Dennis Phillips, “Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency approved an electronic marquee advertising upcoming events at the Reg as well as community happenings. In other business, JURA purchased 2 parcels of Chadakoin* Riverbed property for $15,000 for pedestrian bridge project, connecting north and south sides of River along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk *[see: 7/16,23/1749; 9/15/1797; 6/1/1812; 10/1/1859; 5/18/1894; 10/1/2004; 8/9/2013; 10/14, 16/13; 12/12/13; 1/13, 17, 22/2014; 3/2/14; 4/14, 19/14; 7/16/14; 8/3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 26/14; 9/9/14; 10/22, 28/14; 12/2, 12, 18, 27, 30/14; 1/10/2015; 3/4, 6, 19, 28/15; 6/11, 24, 26, 28/15; 7/3, 11/15; 8/12, 18, 19, 29/15; 9/22/15; 10/3, 6, 9/15; 1/18/2016; 2/21/16; 3/2/16; 7/4/16];” published, 2017.

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