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Moments on any Lucy show that make you cringe

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saw this on the IMDB Golden Girls board. 


what are really annoying little moments on any Lucy show?


--when Lucy goes "esta bena buena checke!" 

--when Fred & Ethel give each other an "i don't know" shrug when watching Lucy's botched home movie

--the way Ricky says chickens

--Ricky's open mouthed gape after the egg smash. Not the initial eyes bugged out, just shortly before he just crosses his arms and demands an answer

--Lucy's "how about I make you a nice . . . juicy . . . fried egg sandwich" line while staring out into space. I think the staring was because the pregnancy made her tired and she had to keep her eyes open

Lucy going "2, 3" when they practice the Friendship number. 


when Viv goes up behind Lucy at the very beginning of "Lucy decides to redecorate" and scares her. That seemed so random and out of place. 

The "you see that branch that looks like a baton?" line. 

"The bat just replaced the dog as man's best friend" line. 


can't recall anymore at the moment 

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Cringe moments:


* Lucy masquerading as a Chinese gardener in The Lucy Show episode, "Lucy and the Soap Opera".


* Ricky spanking Lucy (as if she is a child) in I Love Lucy.


* Ethel asking Ricky if he's wet after he fell off the boat and into the ocean in the I Love Lucy episode, "Deep Sea Fishing". The answer to her question was so obvious that she didn't need to ask.

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* Ethel asking Ricky if he's wet after he fell off the boat and into the ocean in the I Love Lucy episode, "Deep Sea Fishing". The answer to her question was so obvious that she didn't need to ask.


:lucyshock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never heard of such a thing. Borderline blasphemy. :lol:


That's the whole point on why it is so hilarious. lol

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An unnecessary line is from "Breaking the Lease" when Ricky gets drenched from the shower and Lucy says, "Honey, you're all wet." The writers seemed to be thinking back to radio at that moment.


Good point!


Also the time filler in The Benefit: "Speaking of Albuquerque, is it true your father drinks goat's milk?"

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Anytime Lucy gets really shrill with her voice. This is done two ways. Early ILL when she pushes it too high and it cracks. The Adigo is a good example.


The second is starting around Season 2 of TLS she has a tendency to get really loud and whinny. I sometimes fall asleep with the show on and this will wake me up.

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One thing in the Saxophone episode, when Ricky tells her she can't be in the show, she does this "oh" noise that is supposed to sound like the spider voice. 


In the TLS Major Fun Fun episode, I can't get over how the "robot" is clearly a human when he walks out the door, then when he crashes, it's a fake head when Lucy carries it back in the room. I guess they didn't think people would be able to tell the difference with the early 1966 tv reception, about 4 decades before HD. 


This isn't something that makes me cringe, but it's always bothered me. Near the end of "Lucy and Harry's Memoirs," there's this bit of dialogue. 

Lucy: You'd better take it easy you gotta drive home (after several glasses of champagne) 

Harry: Don't you worry about me, I never drive when I'm walking

Lucy: (stares into the camera) Harry do you know what you just said?

Harry: What?

Lucy: Now you made me forget

Harry: Is that what I said?

Lucy: I think so


I don't understand what that was supposed to be. lol. 

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Doesn't anyone have any moments that bug you? 


Just thought of one--in "Lucy's Mother in Law," when Lucy tries to speak Spanish using the earpiece, the way she says "Mucho GUSTO!" 


And of course the way Kim Carter always says "MOTHER!" 


And the "Men Smart, Women Smarter" scene. For some reason I just cannot watch it. 

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Every time I see someone saying how bad it was for Ricky to SPANK her, I cringe and lately as I watch the show and see how Ricky was a maniac who would rant and scream at her that he wanted to kill her or others saying they feared for her, i'm thinking isn't this WORSE?  Lucy married to a chris brown type?

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I don't know about moments... but I recently watched Mertz and Kurtz and Lucy Cries Wolf... and I don't like either one of those episodes at all.... there are some cute moments in Mertz and Kurtz, but on the whole.. I don't care for it.   AND I am not crazy about Wolf from start to finish... WHO calls a neighbor they don't know by their name??  MR. Ricardo.. YOU don't know me... but I know YOU!!   ... a plot necessity to expose Lucy on the ledge... but just a bit strange.. lol.  Plus her raspy voice and those crooks walking around in the Mertz apartment building.. just kinda bothers me... and I don't like her going through all that trouble to prove that HE loves her (I know it is a tv show.. but with all the gems this series has... a few  dull rocks are bound to turn up!)

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