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The Jamestown statue in the spotlight once more


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I was pleased that "Saturday Night" gave it an extended segment. Wouldn't it have been funny if they took the scene from "Bon Voyage" of Lucy being lowered from the helicopter and used the Lucy statue instead? They could photo shop it going over Manhattan and end up lowering it on the Saturday Night Live stage. Of course it would have taken a considerable amount of planning to do that. 

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I was pleased that "Saturday Night" gave it an extended segment. Wouldn't it have been funny if they took the scene from "Bon Voyage" of Lucy being lowered from the helicopter and used the Lucy statue instead? They could photo shop it going over Manhattan and end up lowering it on the Saturday Night Live stage. Of course it would have taken a considerable amount of planning to do that. 

You should write for them, they sure could use you.

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The statue that just won't die.


LAKEWOOD, N.Y. (AP) — It's a role "Scary Lucy" was born to play: Frightening people at Halloween.


A bronze statue of Lucille Ball that drew worldwide scorn earlier this year for its unflattering depiction of the "I Love Lucy" star will be placed in a mall near her western New York town as part of the shopping center's annual haunted house event.


The life-size statue was unveiled in 2009 in a park in the village of Celoron, on Chautauqua Lake. In April, a statue replacement campaign launched on Facebook gained renewed interest in the wake of local media stories on the statue, which was dubbed "Scary Lucy" for its grimace-like facial features.


A Massachusetts businessman has donated $20,000 to replace the now-infamous statue, which will be on display at the Chautauqua Mall in neighboring Lakewood during weekends through Halloween.

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What took him so long?? :blink:

I laughed at this line..


"It would probably make a chunk of money because some crazy Lucy fanatic with money somewhere in the world would probably buy it."

Sadly, too true! :vanda:

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What took him so long?? :blink:

As the man said in the article, he's done many other pieces, none of which earned the controversy the Lucy statue did. Should we really judge him so negatively or celebrate his retirement from making bronze statues just because of one example? As I recall, the statue was a private commission that was later donated to the park by the couple who purchased it. Is that correct? It really bothers me how quick some people are to judge and be nasty to someone who clearly does poses a great deal of talent and whose heart is in the right place.


Sure, Lucy wasn't his finest hour, and he admits that, but to blankety dismiss his entire catalogue of work and rejoice that he's not creating any more statues doesn't seem right.

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I feel for the poor dude. The majority of Jamestown doesn't give two craps about Ms. Ball, why did they make such a big deal out of this? It was shameful the way he was treated by the public. Yes, his statues leave a lot to be desired for a lot of people, but his intentions were good. I wish I could tell him Lucille was not at all offended. She thought it was ugly AF, but she was not bothered in the least. Hehe

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I feel for the poor dude. The majority of Jamestown doesn't give two craps about Ms. Ball, why did they make such a big deal out of this? It was shameful the way he was treated by the public. Yes, his statues leave a lot to be desired for a lot of people, but his intentions were good. I wish I could tell him Lucille was not at all offended. She thought it was ugly AF, but she was not bothered in the least. Hehe

Thank you for saying that. I fully concur. The populace is so quick to judge and scorn these days, it's disgraceful. There's no rationality or civility anymore, just angry mobs looking for anyone or anything to aim their pitchforks at.


Incidentally everyone, my post from yesterday defending the artist wasn't necessarily targeting anyone on here, but was rather directed at all the nasty naysayers out there.

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I feel for the poor dude. The majority of Jamestown doesn't give two craps about Ms. Ball, why did they make such a big deal out of this? It was shameful the way he was treated by the public. Yes, his statues leave a lot to be desired for a lot of people, but his intentions were good. I wish I could tell him Lucille was not at all offended. She thought it was ugly AF, but she was not bothered in the least. Hehe


For once, I MUST defend Jamestown residents; who, probably most never saw the statue in first place, Taylor; it was the WORLD who rejected the thing!  Remember how long she stood there before the brouhaha (don't know to spell this...) 


I feel Dave is in FAR MORE PAIN from 'hanging up his tools'........


:HALKING:  :fabrary:

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