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The New Favourite Lucy Photos Thread! (Vol. 3)


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Those are the kinds of comments which would have made Lucy so damned sensitive about her appearance in the first place. IMO, she looks like a million bucks in the b/w shot whereas she looks like an oil on velvet caricature in that particular umbrella photo. She looks fantastic in other photos from this series, but this one overdid it.

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That's the type of airbrushing they do on those pagent kids photos. They even change the eyes. I call it creppy doll photos. There is no definition to her face in the umbrella shot. They took an eraser to it. I want to know what the inside joke is on the retoucher Viv mentions in that Dinah interviu in relation to the fake contract.

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Well, you wanted to make a point, and you DID, LOL! Annaleigh, ever see those pictures of stars without make up? Google them, look at Oprah, but you may throw up, look at Kellie Ripa, but not after eating . . . I am so sorry, wish I could agree with you all, but Lucy, in that blue dress, singing to Bob Hope at the Kennedy Center, with natural hair and looking old is not the way I want to see her, Lucy, at the Bob Hope Cultural Center, in that blue shiny dress, looked like a million bucks, I don't know if they put that Barbara Walters lens on her that night, but Lucy should have bought that damned thing for all her appearances.

See now the stars today rely on make up too damn much, so it's like SHOCKING to see them without it. Plus how thick they do it today with so much contour on the temples and cheeks that they look unnatural and too perfect. But does that make them ugly? No way.


Oprah with or without make up has wrinkles, except when she is photographed. Airbrushing just looks so unnatural to me. But it's to give the illusion of "perfection". Which it isn't, to me at least.


Lucy with or without make up has always been gorgeous to me. Also imagine if you met her in 1985, she would not look like one of those photoshopped photos. She would have every wrinkle and line. How would you feel then? I'm sure she would look absolutely stunning with every imperfection.

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But boobie, it's BECAUSE I know how much those comments HURT her that I hate it when someone posts these shots that make her look ancient.  I'll never forget my old boss seeing that pic of Lucy, Ginger and Ethel Merman on that Merv Griffin tribute and calling them all three old has beens.  I commented that Lucy looked the best of the three to which he replied, BUT HOW MANY TIMES HAS SHE AHD HER FACE LIFTED?  Moron!  He was fired a few years later by the way.  Lucy looked terrific that night and on many other nights thereafter.  Yes, you are right in saying that lighting plays into it and who applied her make up and so many other things like if she was smiling or not.  Lucy suffered from the curse of the beautiful people.  NOBODY wants to see them at the end of their lives, so they become reclusive and stay home, so as to NOT disappoint their fans.  Not everybody can look great to the end like Cary Grant.  I recently saw a shot of Yvonne De Carlo, looking like a Goddess, she was so stunning, ever see HER at the end?  And I don't mean with that make up on The Munsters, I meant in real life.  Are you guys going to tell me you also preferred Bette Davis on the Carson show a couple years before she died looking like death warmed over?

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Those are the kinds of comments which would have made Lucy so damned sensitive about her appearance in the first place. IMO, she looks like a million bucks in the b/w shot whereas she looks like an oil on velvet caricature in that particular umbrella photo. She looks fantastic in other photos from this series, but this one overdid it.

Thank you! Everything about that woman was always gorgeous. Lucy was human.
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What I love about the upscaling my blueray is doing is seeing every detail good and bad. You realize how not perfect people were back then and how perfect they are today. One tiny detail I noticed is if Lucy had uneven nails, say that one broke. If I do that I file them to match the same height but she didn't.

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Annaleigh, that last reply was addressed to Brock, I no longer can QUOTE.  So this one's for you . . . I agree about the retouching because I will never forget when they did it to Julia Roberts a few years ago, I could hardly recognize her, no detail in the face at all and NOW, they do it with their bodies too, make them skinnier, it's just ridiculous, they just won't let anybody get older in show business today.

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Or fat. So much hype over mag covers and spreads with real looking bodies, Melissa McCarthy, Lenna Dunham. Today Show yesterday had their hosts go makeup free later in the show for love your body week.


I love that Charlie can Photoshop. I can rid of all my moles but retain my look and size.

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What I love about the upscaling my blueray is doing is seeing every detail good and bad. You realize how not perfect people were back then and how perfect they are today. One tiny detail I noticed is if Lucy had uneven nails, say that one broke. If I do that I file them to match the same height but she didn't.

Exactly. Today is built on the illusion of "perfect".


But why do you think Lucy was sensitive about the way she looked? Because people didn't want her to age. She was suppose to be Lucy Ricardo forever. Therefore people would say negative things. That hurts, but you cannot prevent aging. So why not celebrate her beauty the way she was? Not an illusion of perfection.

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Or fat. So much hype over mag covers and spreads with real looking bodies, Melissa McCarthy, Lenna Dunham. Today Show yesterday had their hosts go makeup free later in the show for love your body week.


I love that Charlie can Photoshop. I can rid of all my moles but retain my look and size.

It truly does suck. Why do you think kids get bullied? Everyone is suppose to look one way and one way only. It's a shame.
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That's the way MY mom fought aging, take the photos from four miles away.  Annaleigh, the reason Lucy did not want to show her age was because in Hollywood, if you get OLD, and especially if you're a woman, you stop working, at least back then, Meryl Streep and a few others are working to change that attitude now.

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That's the way MY mom fought aging, take the photos from four miles away. Annaleigh, the reason Lucy did not want to show her age was because in Hollywood, if you get OLD, and especially if you're a woman, you stop working, at least back then, Meryl Streep and a few others are working to change that attitude now.

I'm sure that's part of it but it's also what I said. Like when that fan said something about how old she looked. She was quite upset about that.
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But boobie, it's BECAUSE I know how much those comments HURT her that I hate it when someone posts these shots that make her look ancient.  I'll never forget my old boss seeing that pic of Lucy, Ginger and Ethel Merman on that Merv Griffin tribute and calling them all three old has beens.  I commented that Lucy looked the best of the three to which he replied, BUT HOW MANY TIMES HAS SHE AHD HER FACE LIFTED?  Moron!  He was fired a few years later by the way.  Lucy looked terrific that night and on many other nights thereafter.  Yes, you are right in saying that lighting plays into it and who applied her make up and so many other things like if she was smiling or not.  Lucy suffered from the curse of the beautiful people.  NOBODY wants to see them at the end of their lives, so they become reclusive and stay home, so as to NOT disappoint their fans.  Not everybody can look great to the end like Cary Grant.  I recently saw a shot of Yvonne De Carlo, looking like a Goddess, she was so stunning, ever see HER at the end?  And I don't mean with that make up on The Munsters, I meant in real life.  Are you guys going to tell me you also preferred Bette Davis on the Carson show a couple years before she died looking like death warmed over?


Bette Davis had one of those Van Gogh faces anyway, from a distance she looked pretty but close up it was like HUH??  LOL.  She had an interesting face but I don't think she was ever beautiful. Certainly not Lucy beautiful...

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Yeah join the club. What peeves me is I look at photos now of HS and think, crap I looked pretty good. That would be my goal size, yet apparently it was fat then. That it gets better campaign is right. College was wonderful. You only got teased there if you were a republican.

It's sad. It's not bad anymore. But random insults from people still happen on occasion. It's always from people I don't know.
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Honey, I NEVER said a thing about FAT, you're talking to someone who was teased for being too skinny so I certainly understand.   I used to love FAT jokes, but I'm trying to consider people's feelings and not do those anymore.  What I meant to say was some people, like that young boy who wore pink shoes are just asking for it.  I spent my whole life NOT doing a lisp or mincing around a la Liberace and now I hated seeing Michael Douglas doing it for the movie.  We've seen pics of both YOU and Shel and both of you look terrific, it's all in the face anyway, you both seem to be lovely, charming and beautiful women, besides, most of the US and Canada population is much heavier than they want to be and it's Madison avenue that keeps shoving those anorexic babes down our throats.

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For you tonight Claude, beautiful shots of older Lucy.











Love 'em all but the one in the blue chiffon (?) where she looks rather wistful gets me...every time! :lucyblah:


BTW - Lucie wore a gown not unlike that blue one for her second costume change in Latin Roots!  And she looked STUNNING!!! :lucycoy:

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