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Here's Lucy: Season Four -- Reviews and First Impressions

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@ Claude: Haha! We'll, that's what I was really upset about, the fact that it was a Heston movie! ;-) They're sending me the proper one and told me I can keep the Heston one! :lucydisgust:


@ Robert13: Cheers :) and no, I don't think they do do quality checks anymore!

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@ Claude: p.s - Do you know of any Charlton Heston fan pages on the web? I think I might become one :marionstrong:

Dunno and dun't care, never been a fan of the gun toting NRA honcho. Funny Lucy story though, one time Lucy appeared on a dais to speak and she passed him on the way out and said he PARTED her hair, the joke being that as Moses he parted the red Sea of course. I think i only have two movies of his, the first Planet of the Apes and Ten Commandments obviously. :lucydisgust::lucythrill:

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Good God, are you TRYING to make me feel ancient, you were BORN when Lucy passed away. I was already THIRTY FRIGGIN NINE! YOU :lucie: ME :bill1: SHEESH!


LMAO! Television in 2011 is TERRIBLE though It's nothing but reality shows. Your Generation got to see all the Good stuff and of course, the queen was still living.

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LMAO! Television in 2011 is TERRIBLE though It's nothing but reality shows. Your Generation got to see all the Good stuff and of course, the queen was still living.

I know, now THAT you can remind me of, Lucy on 18 times a week, and guesting on talk shows, specials, other people's shows, even game shows, and something good on all three networks but no vcrs to copy the ones you missed, now that we have 500 channels to choose from and dvd recorders up the wazoo, there's never anything worth watching, damned reality shows drive me up the wall!

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F**K F**K F**K!!!! Today in the mail, I get an envelope with a DVD inside it and a sticker on the front saying "Here's Lucy Season 4". I open it and it's a DVD called "Mother Lode" starring Charlton Heston and Kim Basinger!!! :lucydisgust::lucyhorror::lucydisgust::lucyhorror::lucydisgust:


I am SO PISSED OFF!!!!! Not only does it annoy me now that I have to wait 1am my time before they even open shop but it's gonna take another 2 weeks now until I get the PROPER DVD sent to me!!!!! God I'm annoyed! Does anything ever go right for me???????? :(


How frustrating, Miki!!! I've had stuff like that happen to me, too. I hope you receive your DVD soon!! :)

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I ordered mine off DeepDiscount. When I clicked "place order" nothing happened but when I refreshed, I still got charged 21.50 on Paypal. It better have gone through!


And yup, I was born in 89 too! Just about a month after Lucy died. And you're right . . .


me :desijr: you :bill1:


And Miki . . . that SUCKS! :lucyeww: :lucyeww: :lucyeww: :lucyeww: :lucyeww:

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I ordered mine off DeepDiscount. When I clicked "place order" nothing happened but when I refreshed, I still got charged 21.50 on Paypal. It better have gone through!


And yup, I was born in 89 too! Just about a month after Lucy died. And you're right . . .


me :desijr: you :bill1:


And Miki . . . that SUCKS! :lucyeww: :lucyeww: :lucyeww: :lucyeww: :lucyeww:

I may LOOK like :gale2: and sometimes feel like :bill1: but i am more like :desijr: deep inside and in attitude.

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Finally got this! :wub:


Favorite moments so far: "I'm 29." and her dive off of the halted ski lift (followed by Dinah's "Oh, they fixed it".)


It's impossible to watch 'Mountain Climber' and not hear Lucy's adlibbed reminiscence "then you got a pickaxe up your ass." :lucythrill:


She has a snazzy new wardrobe this season to boot!


The only thing I don't dig so far are the commercial interruptions in select episodes. It's neat to have them included, but normally this is an optional or bonus feature. Having no choice but to watch these (frankly frightening) people lather up every 6 minutes is intrusive and ruins the flow of the episodes.

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The only thing I don't dig so far are the commercial interruptions in select episodes. It's neat to have them included, but normally this is an optional or bonus feature. Having no choice but to watch these (frankly frightening) people lather up every 6 minutes is intrusive and ruins the flow of the episodes.


I take responsibility for this. Because we got such good reaction from the fans on MOTHERS-IN-LAW for doing this, I pushed to have commercials included on one episode per disc - pulled directly from Lucy's 35mm air prints (which I personally went through in my spare time) as a surprise to the Lucy fans for their loyalty to the Redhead and these DVDs. This represents an opportunity fans will NEVER have again to experience the programs in their original context - making them a true time machine.


Unfortunately, making it optional was not an option, but I felt it better to let people have the material and be able to chapter forward if they didn't want to see it. Sorry you were disappointed by it, but I hope you enjoy all the hard work that went into these sets by all involved.


Best Regards,

Dan Wingate

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Personally, I really enjoyed the inclusion of the vintage commercials. They were a nice surprise! Although I will admit The Mothers-In-Law set had the added advantage of Jo Ann Worley as a pitch woman, while Here's Lucy was stuck with Sandy Duncan, they were still enjoyable! My first thought after seeing them -- "Who knew Herbal Essences blatantly ripped off 30+ year old commercials!"


(Happy Birthday, BTW! http://www.lucylounge.com/index.php?/topic/633-happy-birthday-dan-ohbutyes/ )

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Personally, I really enjoyed the inclusion of the vintage commercials. They were a nice surprise! Although I will admit The Mothers-In-Law set had the added advantage of Jo Ann Worley as a pitch woman, while Here's Lucy was stuck with Sandy Duncan, they were still enjoyable! My first thought after seeing them -- "Who knew Herbal Essences blatantly ripped off 30+ year old commercials!"


(Happy Birthday, BTW! http://www.lucylounge.com/index.php?/topic/633-happy-birthday-dan-ohbutyes/ )

What the hell's wrong with Sandy Duncan? She was a big star at one time, always funny and quite enjoyable, and she does a mean Sammy Davis imitation too.

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Has anyone ever seen the rare episode of Here's Lucy that was filmed but never aired with Charlton Heston? I'm the only one that is lucky enough to have it. It was included in my copy :professor:


:huh: I'm afraid I missed this reference. Was the episode "Lucy Helps Charleton Heston Go Bang-Bang?"


And to those commercial-inclusion carpers: Hit the 'next chapter' button on the remote!! The people who put the added-value attractions together for The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy do so as a labor of love and get no (or next to no) remuneration and we all benefit from their free labor. CBS and MPI left to their own devices who put out bare-bones sets and it's only by this free attention to detail by a select few purists that we get any added-value at all.

I think we should all write CBS and MPI and tell them HOW MUCH we appreciate what they've done. They do pay attention to these comments and it will affect future releases.

I'm going to find out exactly where to write and whose attention to put these to and will post them.

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What the hell's wrong with Sandy Duncan? She was a big star at one time, always funny and quite enjoyable, and she does a mean Sammy Davis imitation too.


Nothing is WRONG with Sandy Duncan -- well, except that one thing, poor woman! -- but Jo Anne is just much groovier. ;)

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:huh: I'm afraid I missed this reference. Was the episode "Lucy Helps Charleton Heston Go Bang-Bang?"


And to those commercial-inclusion carpers: Hit the 'next chapter' button on the remote!! The people who put the added-value attractions together for The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy do so as a labor of love and get no (or next to no) remuneration and we all benefit from their free labor. CBS and MPI left to their own devices who put out bare-bones sets and it's only by this free attention to detail by a select few purists that we get any added-value at all.

I think we should all write CBS and MPI and tell them HOW MUCH we appreciate what they've done. They do pay attention to these comments and it will affect future releases.

I'm going to find out exactly where to write and whose attention to put these to and will post them.

Well, I"M IN. And appreciate anything these purist FANS DO FOR US. They certainly do great work and i would not want BARE BONES releases, especially with Lucy having ALL THIS GREAT UNTAPPED MATERIAL available.

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